Jerusalem municipality compound hosts “Spectrum” festival

An unforgettable night in Jerusalem: For the first time, offices of the municipality of Jerusalem were turned into exhibition halls presenting multidisciplinary and interactive art exhibits and installations.

Madagascar / This is why you should stay at ITC Lodge when visiting Isalo National Park

Planning a visit to Isalo National Park? ITC Lodge is the place to stay. Not only will you enjoy comfortable bungalows, but also support community and ecology projects.

Madagascar Isalo National Park recommended day hikes

Isalo National Park offers beautiful contrasting landscape formations, as well as rich flora and fauna, some endemic to Madagascar. Here are four suggested day itineraries for enjoying the park.

Madagascar / Modernism and international style in Antananarivo architecture

Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital, retains a beautiful architectural legacy from colonial times. Among several interesting styles, an interesting collection of buildings built in modernist and international style designs dot the hilly areas of the city.

Madagascar / Famadihana: dealing with death can be joyful

Peculiar yet inspiring, Malagasy culture demonstrates how the commemoration of the deceased can be a celebration.

Austria – Italy / Alpine Peace Crossing – Alpine Peace Hike 2019

13th Alpine Peace Crossing Peace Hike took place on June 29th, 2019. Here is a collection of sights from the event.

The best city in the world you haven’t heard of

What makes Almaty, Kazakhstan’s former capital and its main commercial and cultural hub, so welcoming and attractive? Here’s an introduction to a city which is a journey, a must visit for anyone related to urban design and planning.

Kazakhstan / Almaty apartment blocks gallery

Can Soviet public housing be interesting? A tour in Almaty’s residential blocks is a journey through a surprising living environment with intriguing facades.

Japan / Shikoku Henro / Temples 20 (Kakurin-ji) – 21(Tairyū-ji) gallery

Photos and video of day hike from Tokushima to temples 20-21 along the Shikoku Henro.

Japan – Nagoro Scarecrows – A memorial for a rural community

Visiting a vanishing village in Japan, where scarecrows were turned into an open museum, only enhancing the feeling of rural realm decay.