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602 Responses

  1. Tania Seligman
    | Reply

    Hi, Guy.

    I loved your new presentation about the Galil. It’s interesting how the people and the Nature are connecting with plain harmony. I’m looking foward to see what you will bring us from the spring that starts to sparkle now.

    I live in: Beit Ezra, Israel

  2. Debora Gompers
    | Reply

    Very beautifull keep it up.

    Thank you……………

    I live in: Santa -Monica CA, U.S.A.

  3. Martin Sampson
    | Reply

    Guy, thanks for sharing your photos, but even more for what you put into them.


    I live in: Arad, Israel

  4. N. Shani
    | Reply

    Nice to see that there are still some places in Israel, that are not yet commercialized.

    Keep the good work, Guy.

    I live in: Ottawa, ON

  5. Rosenman Ludovic
    | Reply

    It is wonderfull

    I live in: Kiriat Yam

  6. Myra Weinstein
    | Reply

    I’m sitting here in Tennessee looking out at snow. However, it’s much more fun seeing snow in Israel. Did it snow in Jerusalem? My cousin used to be a meterologist in Israel and was on the radio and t.v. for a time. I remember when he forcasted snow in Jerusalem and everyone laughed–but it snowed and he became’FAMOUS’. His name is Uri Batz. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. One small suggestion I have is that you include a small map of the areas pictured so we who aren’t so familiar with where everything is can know where we are seeing in your pictures. Shalom

    I live in: Knoxville, Tennessee USA

  7. Norman Black
    | Reply

    I am very impressed with your background and talent. I have a small, family owned, computer business in the USA. Your photography is outanding.

    I live in: Pembroke Pines, Florida USA

  8. Lisa
    | Reply

    I’m here in Rome (Italy), looking out at snow, but it’s much more fun seeing snow in Israel.

    Thanks for sharing your photos, Guy, I am very impressed with your talent.


    I live in: Rome

  9. saul elenter
    | Reply


    I live in: uruguay

  10. Orly Porat
    | Reply

    your work is one of a kind. we love to wach and we enjoy it each time you send us some new project. toda

    I live in: Toronto

  11. Shosh
    | Reply

    Beautiful! I always enjoy your photos.

    Keep up the good work.

    Happy Purim.


    I live in: Canada

  12. Malka Shavit
    | Reply

    I have no time to read the presentation at the moment. Am saving it in a special file only for your pictures. Keep up the good work, really enjoying the photos and am sending them out to all those friends and family who have a fast line. What can we do in order for those with a slow line cannot successfully download. Do you have a suggestion. Perhaps break down the presentation if this is possible if it is not flash. Please inform me because it would be a pity not to send your website out all over the world. Israel is a beautiful country. Amen. Happy Purim.

    I live in: Rishon Lezion

  13. Rachel Baruch
    | Reply

    The best way to start the day.

    Thank you for sharing your talent.

    I live in: Maryland

  14. Norm Kates
    | Reply


    I live in: Kates@012.net.il

  15. Deborah Shmueli
    | Reply

    A tunnel is an absolute necessity in ketah 18

    I live in: Nofit

  16. Bozena Nimmrichter
    | Reply


    Deine Bilder sind sehr schön und Dein Land auch.

    Viele herzliche Grüße


    I live in: Berlin/Germany

  17. channa werner
    | Reply

    hi,thanks for reminding me what a beautiful place is israel…..your picturs are just wonderful.keep it up.chana,

    I live in: canada

  18. Ouri ADAM
    | Reply

    Splendid !


    I live in: Taverny France

  19. vera Bensimon
    | Reply

    May be peace in Israel

    I live in: New York

  20. shimon
    | Reply


    I like the colors and diversities,"Yishar Koah" for the holy sites.

    I live in: ELAD – Israel

    | Reply




    I live in: THE NETHERLANDS

  22. George Knight
    | Reply

    Can’t read Hebrew, but love the fotos.

    I live in: Barbados

  23. Donna Rachel Olsen
    | Reply

    Your photos are the next best thing to being in Israel.

    I live in: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

  24. Eliezer Mendelssohn
    | Reply

    Kol Hakavod.

    Your shows make my days (when I get them).

    You must have keen eyes. Keep up the good work.

    I live in: Houston, Texas, USA

  25. gideon
    | Reply

    guy, you are a wiz.

    I live in: vancouver canada

  26. Denis Dion
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos… nice work..

    I live in: Montreal, Canada.

  27. Ze'ev Reiner
    | Reply

    Astounding pictures! You are a true professional, Guy!

    I live in: Walnut Creek, California

  28. Daniel
    | Reply

    Thank you for this beautiful virtual tour, god bless you.

    I live in: Israel – North

  29. Sofia Waisbein R
    | Reply

    ¿what profession do you have? are you scientific?or only you are a culture man?

    I live in: CHILE South America

  30. Ludwik Stawowy
    | Reply

    To visit Israel was always my dream. The more so now, after having looked at your country with your eyes. Thank you and best regards. – Ludwik

    I live in: Warsaw, Poland

  31. Bonnie Rodman
    | Reply

    I got your website from Idith Dembak, who forwarded the slide show of Ramat Menashe. I LOVE your photos… and will check out the other photos on your website at a later date. If you every come to the USA and Miami, please let me know. I’d love to show you around. The Everglades are beautiful and the eco-system is unique and very photographic. Think about taking a photo-journey here… you will not forget it!

    Good luck and thanx for sharing these windows into Israel.

    Bonnie Rodman, Miami, FL USA


    I live in: Miami (Coconut Grove), FL USA

  32. June Goldenberg
    | Reply

    Your website is one of my real favourites. I love it. Best wishes, June

    I live in: Neve Monoson

  33. Pesach Shachar
    | Reply

    I am proud of your effort to create this site and share your country enviroment love with other people. A bright light in darkness ! ABA

    I live in: Israel

  34. Trisha Ramirez
    | Reply

    Beautiful!! I never imagined what a wonderful place Isreal is, until now. Your photos are breathtaking, Thank you for sharing your countries other side, something I’m sure not to many people are familiar with.

    I live in: San Jose, California USA

  35. Nitsan Singer
    | Reply

    Wonderfull area, this fight is just and it will succeed if we are consistent.

    I live in: Ness-Ziona

  36. Stephen Schaefer
    | Reply

    The images of the snow in the Galil are absolutely wonderful. I cannot imagine that much snow there. You have a very nice eye for being able to tell a story in a picture and all the photos together make an exellent documentary.

    I live in: Winnipeg, Canada

  37. Tami Blaettner
    | Reply


    God Bless. I love your work, and keep sending it to all my friends all over the world, to show them what a wonderfull country we have(in sense of nature). keep up with the good workd

    I live in: Haifa – Israel

  38. ITZIK
    | Reply




  39. Maurice Nirens
    | Reply

    Very Impressive

    and Thank you

    I live in: mnirens@bigpond.net.au

  40. Edgardo Derman
    | Reply

    Muy bonitas tus fotos, pero me gustaria que pongas dentro de tu coleccion las que corresponde a Safed, ya que con mi familia hemos vivido ahi, y nos gustaria recordar aquellos momentos.


    I live in: San Juan (Argentina)

  41. Steve @ Middle East Facts
    | Reply

    I absolutely LOVE your pictures. You’re an amazing photographer – if only the world could see the beauty of Israel. It’s absolutely amazing what Jews have been able to do with the land in 55 years…

    All the best Guy – keep up the great work!



    I live in: Canada

    | Reply



    SHALOM !!!!!!!! MARTA

    I live in: VIÑA DEL MAR-CHILE

  43. riva
    | Reply

    i love these reminders of how beautiful the world can be

    I live in: israel

  44. Alex Carmel
    | Reply

    Great joy looking at your photos !!! You are doing a beautiful job !

    I live in: Leiden / Hod Hasharon

  45. Anne
    | Reply

    Thousand thanks for your wonderful photos, you make a wonderful job !

    I love Israel, I love you all !

    I live in: Brussels

  46. Elaine Radu
    | Reply

    Absolutely breathtaking; I am speechless.

    I live in: Toronto Canada

    | Reply


    I live in: URUGUAY

  48. Lynda Campbell
    | Reply

    Your "winter Israel skies is spectacular – one of my very favorites thus far.

    Thank you for continuing to share your photographic art with me!


    I live in: Los Angeles, California

  49. Akiva Kahan
    | Reply

    The pictures are fantastik,very good quality.

    I have the plesure seeing them.


    I live in: Toronto Canada

  50. Charles
    | Reply

    Your wonderful photographs remind me of my stay in Israel. I was very impressed with the photo of Massada and remember when I stood on the top of this mountain. Thank you for sharing these and may there be peace in the world.

    I live in: Ohio

  51. Shula Levin
    | Reply

    Thank you very much for the delightful moment that I have watching your slide presentations. You have wonderful frames and angles and you arrive to the most beautiful places at the exact right time…

    I live in: Givat Olga, Hadera

  52. Elona Meyronne
    | Reply

    hello Guy,

    you did it again. I love your presentations.

    continue with this good job.

    thank you very much – hag Pessach sameach, Elona

    I live in: Ramat-Gan, Israel

    | Reply

    I am a advancd amateur photographer, have participated in many photography workshops and shows and do find your photography extraordinary.

    Sincere congratulations specially that you show such beautiful sights of our beloved Israel.

    Kind regards. Henri

    I live in: Montreal Canada

  54. Orit Foord
    | Reply

    Dear Guy

    Thank you so much for bringing the views, the landscapes, the blossoms and the smells of the land that we miss so much to life. It’s incredible service to the people abroad.

    Sharing your pictures is greatly appreciated.


    I live in: San Francisco, California

  55. ghjk
    | Reply

    your site is well done.

    i hope you enjoy what are you doing.

    I live in: ertzu

  56. Paulette Motola
    | Reply

    This is a terrific trip that you made me go through !!!Congratulations,

    your pictures are a masterpiece,

    including pictures of your world tour.

    Waiting for the next one !!!

    Best wishes , Shalom !!!


    I live in: Montreal , Canada

  57. Graciela Gorenstein from Argentina
    | Reply

    You are grate and we are gratefull.

    Your work it’s terrrific

    Best wishes, we are wainting for the next.

    I live in:

  58. Amiram E Porat
    | Reply

    I enjoyed your presentations very much especially the one of the north (where I come from).

    I live in: PRAGUE

  59. elda natus
    | Reply

    happy days

    I live in: istanbul

  60. Mart
    | Reply

    I really look forward to any new presentations. Your pictures give a great perspective to our little country.

    Keep it up

    I live in: Israel

  61. Robert Ben-Nun
    | Reply

    You are doing a great job, I love looking at your pictures,great sceneries very creative

    Thank you for sharing your talents, keep up the good work.

    I live in: Texas

  62. Elaine
    | Reply

    Dear Mr Shachar,

    In 1996 I was priviledged to vacation in both Greece & Israel. Greece was special because I am of Greek ancestry and Israel was important to me because of my deep interest of it’s incredible Biblical backround.

    When I landed in Greece I knew I was in the land of my grandparents and it felt "special"…but when I landed in Israel, I felt I had truly come home. (go figure)

    I miss Israel……I miss it so much that it hurts. Once you visit Zion you are changed forever……and if your heart is in the right place, you become a Zionist…and that’s whether you are a Jew or not.

    Today I received your slideshow from a dear friend…..it made me so homesick for the Center of the Universe–Jerusalem.

    One day, God permitting, I will return and my heart will sing.

    God bless America and God bless Israel….the two Nations most dear to my heart.

    May God bless you and may He keep you safe as you use your camera to capture the eternal sights of Israel. Thank you so much!


    I live in: California

  63. Elisha Gans
    | Reply

    You deserve and probably get far more enthusiastic feedback than is published hereunder. That said, there is very little I could possibly add to what has already been written below beside wishing you many years yet to carry on the good – nay – excellent work.

    I live in: 11, Succot street, Haifa,

  64. Udi
    | Reply

    Amazing! Thank you. Kol Hakavod!

    I live in: Toronto, Canada

  65. Veronique
    | Reply

    I really enjoy your presentations, please keep up the good work….

    I live in: Rehovot

    | Reply

    Great idea

    beauteful picturs

    I live in: USA

  67. Frits van Coevorden
    | Reply

    My sincere congratulations and utmost appreciation for the most beautiful pictures I have seen from Israel in the last 10 years.

    Chag sameach Pesach

    I live in: The netherlands

  68. shahaf
    | Reply

    writing in english cause im currently in LA.

    just want 2 say, that you are doing wonderful job bro!!

    you are showing the other side of israel, and i would like to thank u for that!!

    ata totah gever!! keep going!!!!

    sihakta ota!!


    I live in: yehud

  69. Yael Zohar
    | Reply

    Hi Guy,

    I really love to visit your site, and enjoy your presentations of Israel, flowers, wild waters, rainbows, and lightnings, but also the fare East kids are great. You are a very talented photographer and globetrotter that knows how to share his experiences.

    Kol Hacavod

    I live in: Israel

  70. Yoram Feinstein
    | Reply

    Great work.

    Kepp up with it and all the best to you and the viewers.

    Yoram Feinstein.

    I live in: California,U.S.A

  71. Judy
    | Reply

    I have always wanted to come to Jerusalem but will probably never have the chance. I would love to walk where Jesus and his throngs walked. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing this.

    I live in: Florida USA

  72. Sheila Bushell
    | Reply

    One of my Israeli cousins sends me your latest photos and until now I haven’t visited your website. Thank you for your wonderful photos. They bring Israel to life for me again. I haven’t visited for over 20 years, not sure when I’ll make it again, but I would love to see some of the sights which you capture.

    I live in: Malaysia

  73. John Gasking
    | Reply

    Thank you for these wondeful presentations my wife and I have visited Israel a number of times and these images recall very pleasant memories. Our favourite place on Earth is still the Kibbutz Hotel and nature reserve at Ein Gedi. John

    I live in: England

  74. Jerry L. England
    | Reply

    I very much appreciate the presentation.

    Thank you for sharing.

    I am forwarding to all of my friends and Family

    Jerry L. England Sr.

    I live in: Nashville, TN. USA

  75. Karen Olson-Knowles
    | Reply

    I wish everyone the knowledge and understanding that leads to a peaceful soul, so we may all achieve peace in the world.

    I live in: Denver, Colorado, USA

  76. Aviva Grosbard
    | Reply

    I work with many people abroad and have shared your presentations with them often. They are always amazed at the beauty of our country-seen through your eyes:) Keep up the good work-Aviva

    I live in: Omer

  77. ted
    | Reply

    lovely works…

    liked them

    I live in: Haifa

  78. Dani Yaari
    | Reply

    you have found a way to make me take a trip i never take

    I live in: Haifa

  79. Miri Gavrieli-Hod
    | Reply

    I think you are an incredible photographer! Your pictures from Israel made me home sick. Are you doing this photography as a hobby? Hamon Toda, Miri from Los Angeles.

    I live in: Los Angeles

  80. Avi Kenaani
    | Reply

    I forward your presentations to many of my freinds and they all love it. They always enjoy the beauty of our country-seen through your eyes.

    Keep up the good work, Avi

    I live in: Toronto Canada

  81. Charles Emery
    | Reply

    Let there be peace on earth.

    I live in: Ohio

  82. David E. Gilad
    | Reply



    I live in: Lafayette, California

  83. susana
    | Reply

    thanks for sharing

    I live in: Texas&CA

  84. Kaidjah Profijt
    | Reply

    Your photographs depict beauty, a rarity in today’s world. I especially enjoyed the photos of Israel; since my only influences are from the media, and press photos, it is inciteful to know that there is rare beauty in a country where pain and suffering is continually depicted. Thank you for the the new knowledge gained.

    I live in: Ontario, Canada

  85. Noa
    | Reply

    True it is nostalgic for me loking at the pic from home. It connects to home land, to childhood memories of places, colors and smells but much more than that-

    you are a real artist. thanks for sharing


    I live in: Florida

  86. suzanne
    | Reply

    my Israeli friend sent me this link…spring in Israel – so beautiful. I’m so glad we can send our daughter this summer! Thanks for putting some wonderful images out there to counteract the garbage… l’shalom

    I live in: washington state

  87. Marina Shalmon
    | Reply

    Great pictures, and you’re doing a great work by publishing this web-site for the whole wide world to see.

    I live in: Boston, US

  88. Moshe Tsoar
    | Reply

    Many thanks for a chance to enjoy Eretz.

    I live in: Petah Tikva

  89. Dr. Michael Ricer
    | Reply

    The nicest and definitely the best quality pictures I have seen of Israel. Keep up the good work, very refreshing.

    I live in: Toronto Canada

  90. Hyla
    | Reply


    These pictures made me really homesick!

    I live in: Denver, Colorado

  91. heddya ben shabbat
    | Reply

    i wanted to say just, that i enjoy your web site…

    i want also to congraduat you for the beutiful work your doing….

    hope to hear from you soon


    I live in: eilat

  92. Robert Weinraub
    | Reply

    The pictures are fantastic and it makes me want to go back to Israel

    I live in: Miami-Florida

  93. shachar
    | Reply

    The english version is outstanding ! Congratulation and best wishes to all the team

    I live in: petah tikva

  94. Alex Feuerwerker
    | Reply


    Seu trabalho e maravilhoso e continua assim,vale a pena se dedicar e fazer o mundo conhecer as belezas que voce fotografa…..

    Alex Feuerwerker

    I live in: Brasil

  95. Batilde Kahan
    | Reply

    Congratulations !

    I do like your presentations.

    I live in: Brasil

  96. Carol Shulman
    | Reply


    I’m a budding photographer and I had great pleasure viewing your work. Initially, I saw the pictures of Israel in Spring-sent to me by a friend who knew we had just returned from two weeks in the Golan and Gallilee for Pesach.

    I then went to your children’s site,your journey through the far east. I was really moved by that work! You captured their hearts and spirit and, like yourself, I too felt the connection you had with them.

    I’m a social worker by training, love to travel and would really enjoy moving into photography as a way to grow spiritually and possibly earn a bit of an income.

    You seem to have developed a combination of ways in which to utilize your talent.

    Once again, thank you for sharing your heart and your work. It is really very beautiful and I enjoyed viewing your efforts, the land and the people I encountered along the way.


    Carol Shulman

    I live in: Maryland, USA

  97. Kathy Mallette
    | Reply

    What a wonderful website. Your presentations are marvelous. I just spent two weeks in Israel and left a part of my heart there, so when a new Jewish friend in New York, (I am a Gentile) sent me one of your presentations, I spent the past couple hours viewing all of them. Thanks so much. Kathy Mallette

    I live in: Shelby, Montana USA

  98. michele
    | Reply

    super site qui donne envie de visiter Israel

    I live in: france

  99. Yuval
    | Reply

    I love the initiative of guy Shahar.I wish Israel was full of people like him!!!

    Kol Hakvod!!

    I live in: NJ USA

  100. Martina Peiper
    | Reply

    keep them coming, I can never get enough. Your pictures remind me of sites I have seen and create desires to see much more on future visits. It is so important to show the "other side of Israel", no politics, no religion, just the land and the connection we have to it. Thank you!

    I live in: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

  101. Marty Dick
    | Reply

    I love your rainbow photos!

    I live in: Houston, Tx, USA

  102. Susan Kleinberg
    | Reply

    Your pictures are beautiful. I really enjoyed them. Thank you.

    I live in: Orlando, Florida, USA

  103. Shmuel Rothbard
    | Reply


    I live in: Gan Shmuel

  104. Michael Benjamin
    | Reply

    Delightful photography that brings to life our precious land and its wonders …….especially for those of us who are of the diaspora.

    I live in: Australia

  105. Eugene Peterson
    | Reply

    What a treat to see the beauty of Israel. Thank you for sharing.

    I live in: Salt Lake City

  106. Michele Naations
    | Reply

    I am so glad there is someone sending Israel around the world. Todah rabah!

    I live in: Athens, Texas

  107. Gwyneth
    | Reply

    For years I have long to walk where my Savior walked – to see the land I have read about my whole life. Thank you for your pictures … they are a treasure to me!

    I live in: Florida

  108. Hassan
    | Reply

    The presentations are great!

    I were inlove with Israel before it, but now it is even more strong, it is such a beutiful country. Your other pictures are also great, they making me happy, that it exist so much beuty in our world, sometimes when everything feels so dark its great to go on here and look at them.

    Thank you Guy!


    I live in: Sweden

  109. karen goulet
    | Reply

    dear guy, I met you last week at the airport in lima, peru along with my sons and husband. we were going to pucallpa to spend some time helping a local church and to present a program to the school to train children how to impower themselves from sexual abusers. we are home now in the states and I am just entering your site. Already I am impressed with your powerful photos. Looking forward to explore your site. I wish to express my thanks for your passion to share your experieces and show us the world through the eyes of your heart. Blessings, karen goulet

    I live in: nokomis,florida usa

  110. Max Traub
    | Reply

    Looking for your Budapest Synagogues

    I live in: Perth West Australia

  111. Pnina
    | Reply

    I was interested in viewing the Synagogues of Hungary.

    I am sure this is a very interesting web site, judging by the photos on the main page.

    be well


    I live in: Hobart, Tasmania

  112. amnon
    | Reply

    to be there, is to see and to experience the many different pictures and all..

    unforgettable and funny too.. on and on..

    thats where we are…

    I live in: revivim

  113. Gady
    | Reply

    nothing looks better then seeing through the eyes of GUY

    I live in: Eilat

  114. Danny & Ettie Goldenstein
    | Reply

    Amazing as always. You are like Hashems photographic secretary. Ad mea v’esrim.

    I live in: Toronto Canada

  115. Maxine Langweil
    | Reply

    I thoroughly enjoyed your slide show of synagogues.

    I live in: New Jersey, USA

  116. Yisrael Lache éùøàì ìù
    | Reply

    The Amazon Jewish presence was a delight to encounter.

    I’m already plannin my next trip. Thank you so much. yisrael

    I live in: Haifa çéôä

  117. Oscar
    | Reply


    keep on your wonderful work.

    Its a sheer delight to view your work.

    Oscar Langsam, Rehovot

    I live in: Rehovot

  118. Enrique Ellenbogen
    | Reply

    I saw with pleasure your Amazon & Iquitos travelog. Being a peruvian native, I was gratified with your visual tour. We wonder as to the diversity of this world, but even more, the diversity of the jewish people. Wherever we go, we find traces of us. Being the circumstances of life so unexpected, (as the pictures of the tombs in Iquitos show) these findings do not follow the rigid paterns of comunal life in which we grew. This comes to light in the eternal question as to who is a jew. It is a wonderful lesson in tolerance that the jewish nation owes each other.

    Thank you for the photos.

    I live in: Dayton, Ohio

  119. Yagil
    | Reply

    Wonderful job! Bravo! I sent the link of your Israel presentations to people who didn’t visit Israel and they were impressed! Your work serves as an efficient Ambassador of Israel and shows another positive aspect of Israel.

    I live in: Tel-Aviv

  120. Eliahu Silon
    | Reply

    A great site. Good luck.

    I live in: Beverly Hills, California, USA

  121. Elena Fihman Batievski
    | Reply

    I am sure that content of all you work is valuable and worth to be distributed.

    I live in: Lima, Peru

  122. Vladimir Pade
    | Reply

    Very impressive presentation of the world we live in. You are doing a great service by including us in your experience. Keep up the good work

    I live in: USA

  123. Alice Solomon
    | Reply

    best of luck we love every one of yours powerpoints

    I live in:

  124. Agazio Fraietta
    | Reply

    I just knew your site: it’s a masterpiece.

    G*d bless you and your work!

    (a goy in love with Israele)

    I live in: Rome – Italy

  125. alicia schalscha
    | Reply






    I live in: buenos aires, argentina

  126. gerda1@012.net.il
    | Reply

    Guy, shalom

    I have a friend in Roumenia who would like to see nice places from Israel. Everything from you is more than wonderful.

    Please send him whatever you have in English. thank you! his e-mail is:


    I live in: israel

  127. boris casoy
    | Reply

    Thank you for your beatiful site !


    I live in: sao paulo – brazil

  128. Marvin
    | Reply

    Lovely, great!!

    I live in: US

  129. hilda levy
    | Reply

    I am very impressed by your pictures of the synagogues in Budapest. They provoke a strong emotion.

    I live in: buenos aires, argentina

  130. nili
    | Reply

    I am israeli that live in las vegas ,

    I am a photographer and a friend of mine told me about you so I am looking at your web-site.

    if you have a moment my web-sit is http://www.niliphoto.com

    thank you


    I live in: LAS VEGAS

  131. nili
    | Reply

    wow beautiful work.

    nili las-vegas

    I live in: LAS VEGAS

    | Reply



  133. Kathy Mallette
    | Reply

    Hello: I just wanted to tell you how blessed I am by your presentations. Thank you so very much for making them available. I love anything to do with Israel, especially after taking a trip there last spring. Even when I can’t read the titles (and pray for me, I have purposed in my heart to learn Hebrew), as in the presentation on Tisha B’av, the pictures are absolutely wonderful. I will be ever grateful to a new Jewish friend who I met on the airplane between Salt Lake City and New York City who emailed me the link to your site. I have downloaded and watched every one of the presentations available. Thank you, again. May G-d bless you. Sincerely, Kathy Mallette

    I live in: Shelby, Montana, USA

  134. Uri Kelman
    | Reply

    AS a graphic designer who is very involved in the Holocaust Museum Houston and the creator of their Holocaust monument, I was deeply touched by your synagogs presentation. Your photographic presentations are sensitive and well produced. Your world through the lense brings us all to a wonderland.

    Keep it up. Le Shana tova tiztalemu ve ticatavu.

    I live in: Houston Texas

  135. David Rechtsman
    | Reply

    Wonderful pictures. This is the work of a MENSH.

    I live in:

  136. michele bloch
    | Reply


    I live in: france

  137. Marcia Frank
    | Reply

    My daughter sent me your beautiful flowers every week when she was on shlichut. I didn’t know then that that’s the tip of the iceberg of your accomplishments. May you continue to travel, film and share these special pictures throughout the world.

    I live in: Jerusalem

  138. Tami Samuelov
    | Reply


    I can not explain how I feel when I look at the pictures, they are not only magnificent, they also bring me closer to Israel, the country I love and where I should live… Toda raba for sharing this great work with every person that is interested ! Shana Tova

    I live in: Belgium (Bruges)

  139. Dava Savel
    | Reply

    Hello Guy,

    My Israeli cousin sent me this link and I thought your pictures were beautiful and haunting. I am sending it off to all my Jewsih friends because these pictures need to be shared with everyone. Thanks and keep traveling!

    I live in: Los Angeles, California

  140. debbie zehavu
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing your photographs with us. They are very instilling and are perfect for the month of Elul.

    Shana Tova

    I live in: shaarei tikva, israel

  141. Betsy Diamant-Cohen
    | Reply

    These presentations are superb! The next best thing to actually being there!

    I live in: Baltimore, MD

  142. Ahuva Stadtlander
    | Reply

    Thank you for permitting others to see a new world as well as a lost world through your eyes. The emotions that your photographs evoke are difficult to put into words.

    I live in: Miami, Florida

  143. Stanley Hyams
    | Reply

    I do not usually have patience for the stuff my friends send my my e-mail but your site is wonderful and I will study it from Alef to Taf !

    I live in: Haifa

  144. Magali Dorfman
    | Reply

    Alo,Guy, I loved your photos, it was a very beatiful gift I received from my sister.Congratulations ,I hope to see more and more your work .Thankyou.Magali

    I live in: Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

  145. Ari Aisen
    | Reply

    Shalom Guy,

    Your presentations are inspiring and absolutely beautiful.


    I live in: Washington DC

  146. linda ginsburg
    | Reply

    I too took my first trip to India and Nepal and became hooked on the facinating landscapes and cultures!

    I live in: jacksonville, florida

  147. linda ginsburg
    | Reply

    I too took my first trip to India and Nepal and became hooked on the facinating landscapes and cultures! Thanks for the photos and the education.

    I live in: jacksonville, florida

  148. Roberto Belan
    | Reply

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures and tales. Please keep travelling and showing us the wonders of our jewish life.

    Shana Tova Jatima Tova

    I live in: Chile

  149. Peter S. Peleg
    | Reply

    Slovakia – surprising and beautiful pictures.

    Thank you very much.

    I live in: Kiryat Tivon

  150. Joseph Shochat
    | Reply

    Thank you so much. I did not view all your trips. But I will in Rosh Hashana, as I will have more time…

    Very well done in every way…

    Good luck to you… Yossis

    I live in: Cincinnati Ohio

  151. léa waissmann
    | Reply

    i wish you and your family a happy new year!


    I live in: rio de janeiro-Brasil

  152. tibor spitz
    | Reply

    Thanks for what you are doing so well.


    I lived in Liptovsky Mikulas where my father was a Chazan in the synagogue you have shown in your SLOVAK SYNAGOGUES.

    Shanah Tovah 5765.




    I live in: Kingston NY USA

  153. moshe netzer
    | Reply

    I was very impressed by your presentation on the synagogues in slovakia,

    well done!

    I live in: lakewood,nj

  154. Cherie Korer
    | Reply

    A friend sent me your beautiful slide show of the Synagogues of Slovakia. I’d like to link it to my website at


    L’Shana Tova to you and all my Eichler, Salomon, and Kimchi cousins in Israel.

    I live in: Scottsdale, Arizona

  155. Arie Vinograd
    | Reply

    Very nice, I am impressed

    I live in: Florida

  156. Alexander Fischer
    | Reply

    GUY Yashar Kojaja You Have filled a space that makes us look into our profound roots as a part of the wonders that have been left as legacies from our ancesters. Please continue to give us such beutifull pictures and history of what is ours. It makes one feel really proud for what we stand for as a nation that has contributed beauty and knoledge to humanity.

    Shana Tova Umeborejet may all your presentations be so enlightning to everyone in the world

    Thank You for sharing With Us

    I live in: Guatemala City, Guatemala

  157. Leor Nevo
    | Reply

    Excellent job… you show us things from different and very special view points.. either on our own nature near the house.. or about Jewish spots in slovakia and more- …

    Well done job – keep it going 🙂

    I live in: Kiryat-Bialik Israel

  158. Jackie Leers
    | Reply

    Thank you for the beautiful presentations of the synagogues of Budapest and Slovakia! I have forwarded them to many friends. Please continue this kind of photo shoots.

    I live in: Netherlands

  159. éåñé ùåçè
    | Reply

    So beautiful… Touching…

    Do you have it in English too ?



    I live in: Cincinnati, Ohio

  160. Ben Ari Haya
    | Reply

    Hi Guy

    I have forgotten most important of all:many thanks for the magnificent presentation of Slovakia .It has brought me to tears.


    I live in: Rishon Le Zion

  161. Yael Carmeli
    | Reply


    Enjoy Simchat Torah, too.

    I live in: Basel, Switzerland

  162. goldfinger itzhak
    | Reply


    I live in: hadera israel

  163. hershman Itzhak
    | Reply

    Thank you for your nice and efficient work.

    It is very important and useful for elderly people

    who are unable to walk.

    all the blessings


    I live in: haifa Israel

  164. Y.Y.Sharabi
    | Reply

    Many thanks

    I live in: Israel

  165. nina
    | Reply

    i find your pictures a real treat. you certainly spend a great part of your time producing them. thank you !!!!

    I live in: kiriat tivon

  166. Dore Goldman
    | Reply

    Thank you so much for your photographs. They truly help us to connected to Israel.

    I live in: California, USA

  167. Haya Ben Ari
    | Reply


    Thanks for the amazing presentation of Tel Aviv.

    It has caused alot of joy.As always !

    I live in: Rishon Le Zion

  168. jenny Lisbona Michan
    | Reply

    I send regards to everybody who is reading this guestbook. For me everybody is important and I love nature. Jenny

    I live in: San Diego, CA

  169. Robi Shimron
    | Reply

    Love your way of seeing the word.

    I was suprised to find my picture in the september issue of Sevivon (the older guy in the Eilat triathlon pic).

    tks Robi

    I live in: Givath Ela

  170. Bernie Shoub
    | Reply

    Wonderful Work,helps me understand why my son wants to live in Isreal

    I live in: Montreal,Canada

  171. John Gasking
    | Reply

    Thanks Guy the Tel Aviv pictures brings it all back but I prefer the wild countryside.


    I live in: England

  172. Bernie Shoub
    | Reply

    Wonderful presentation ,words do not do it the justice it deserves ..

    I live in: Montreal,Quebec,Canada

  173. Miriam Bisk
    | Reply

    As always before, you have evoked my curiousity, enriched my visual understanding of the world we live in, and encouraged me to explore places I wasn’t familiar with.

    I thank you so very much.

    I live in: Ithaca NY

  174. Hadassah Gourarie
    | Reply

    Keep traveling and keep photographing! (and keep sending them to all of us). You are truly amazing and we appreciate sharing what you see.

    I live in: California

  175. Yossi Doron
    | Reply

    Thank you for the Wonderful and inspiring Presentastions!

    I live in: West Hartford, CT, USA

  176. juli
    | Reply


    thank you – toda raba- koszonom – you have given a gift to all of us whose families barmitzvaed, were married and brissed in dohany templom ( budpest) – such a wonderful tribute – and the tour through the remaining smaller synagogues leads me like chocolate to revisist my parents’ homeland

    i admire your energy and range of talents – if you are in christchurch ( great name for a city in which to live as a jew !!!) – do email and we’d happily tour you through

    shalom – kiaora – juli

    I live in: christchurch, new zealand

  177. Morris Alkalay
    | Reply

    Shalom Guy,

    I just watched your show on the sinagogues in Hungary The presentation wa sent to me by my friend Deborah Jacob. I was very much impressed by your work.

    Having installed the powerpoiny software now I wanted to know i n case I make a slide show of my fashion photography what resolution and dimentions of Images are good for projection and whether you use the same resolution of images in this show also for projection.

    By the way my site address is


    Thanks in advance for your help

    lehitraot, Morris Alkalay

    I live in: Istanbul, Turkey

  178. LEORA
    | Reply

    Dear Guy,

    Looking at those pictures I started crying.

    I was born in Prague,(my perents flew away and remaind alive, I don’t know how), I was 3 years of age.

    Untill now and for ever I’ll never know how they renained alive, they never told me a thing.

    I know almost nothing about Prague althoug I visited there and got vey emotional.

    If you can send me some pictures of Prague that will be a graet joy to me.

    I thank you sincerely,


    I live in: Israel

  179. EYAL
    | Reply


    I live in: TARZANA

  180. Ely
    | Reply

    Beautiful site

    I live in: Israel

  181. gilla gerzon
    | Reply

    shalom guy…thank you are the best. please call me 04-8381142 or 052-3-289766. take care. peace love gilla

    I live in: haifa

  182. Pe'Erly Butbul
    | Reply

    Such great photos!! You made us real happy watching your magazin. We can’t wait for your next one…

    I live in: Dallas,Texas, USA

  183. riva
    | Reply

    as always,wonderful pictures and explanations. thank you!

    I live in: ra’anana

  184. RON BIALA
    | Reply

    Great Pictures and very interesting!

    Kol Hakavod !

    I live in: New Jersey, USA

  185. Ted & Susan Kretzer
    | Reply

    Your work is truly some of the most beautiful we have ever seen. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    I live in: San Antonio, Texas

  186. Zabaro Maya
    | Reply

    Thank you for your wonderful works and

    for sharing with us.

    I live in: Haifa

  187. Norman Arlin
    | Reply

    I am happy to become a member of this initiative, and look forward to receive further information

    I live in: Montevideo – Uruguay

  188. Norman Arlin
    | Reply

    I read your messages. I am afraid my Hebrew is not good enough to understand fully your information in that language. So I would kindly ask that you send information in English Thanks.

    I live in: Montevideo – Uruguay

  189. Gadi Shapira
    | Reply

    You are doing a wonderful and very important work for Israel! Thank you!

    I live in: USA

  190. Michael Kirstein
    | Reply

    Breathtaking photos, excellent commentry, informative & interesting. Thank you

    I live in:

  191. O. Leibovitch
    | Reply

    Will appreciate receiving your publications.

    Many thanks.

    I live in:

  192. Bette Reed
    | Reply

    Wonderful pictures. My cousin in Tel Aviv sent "light & Jerusalem" but I couldn’t open it on my Macintosh computer. My daughter printed the pictures on her PC and I got your web address. I love the British phone booths.

    I live in: Alaska, USA

  193. tami
    | Reply

    very nice

    I live in: jerusalem

  194. Joshua Eliason
    | Reply

    I am always impressed by the beauty of your presentations. I receive them occasionally from friends via email. Now I’ll be receiving "Svivon" regularly!

    I especially like the relation to the Bible, showing how it is relevant to everything that we see around us. Hopefully your initiative will help to preserve some of this beauty for future generations.

    I live in: Givat Ada

  195. Jacquie Katz
    | Reply

    Happy Hanukah to you from Texas! An Israeli Hadassahnik sent me your slide show to make me homesick for Israel-it worked. I am forwarding the link to my Yordim friends–we will all pine tonight. Do you know Talia Ziv?–she shares your love of the far east and spent years in Indonesia. We are friends of her parents-she lives in Jerusalem and works as a tour leader. I sooo enjoyed your website. Nepal is my next ambition,when we escape from Texas. Best wishes!

    I live in: Spring, Texas

  196. tamar stramer
    | Reply

    being so far away from home, i was so happy and proud to se all the photos, and read all about the storm that was in israel last month. i hope to get more of this stuff. thank u !!

    I live in: norfolk virginia usa

  197. Natasha
    | Reply


    I received your web page from Naama, your photos are amazing they really really are, I´ve travelled through Israel and I had never seen such amazing pictures.. Kol a kabod, bemet!!!

    I live in: Mexico

  198. George M. Lassanah
    | Reply

    It is nice to see these amazing pictures of the beautiful country I attended school in (The Marine Offccers School in Akko) back in the early 1960s. Shalom to all the friends I made there. Thanks for letting me know about this;Judith P.

    I live in: Antwerpen,Belgium (From Liberia)

  199. David Starr-Glass
    | Reply

    Hi Guy:

    Thanks for a particularly beautiful and inspiring site. It really is wonderful and I am happy that you chose to share these pictures and thoughts with a wider audience.

    Toda v’ bracha raba,


    I live in: Jerusalem

  200. Michal Margolis
    | Reply


    You just made we want to get up and go hiking again. I am now in South Carolina working in a few malls. My mother is a good friend of Shachar’s.

    I miss traveling sooooooo much and now seeing these amazing pictures I just want to take my bag and go on!

    Thank you!

    I think you did my day – even though it is still morning here!

    Keep on smiling


    I live in: Israel

  201. Prof Abe Baruchin
    | Reply

    you are great and make people feel better

    I live in: Ashkelon

  202. Shirley
    | Reply

    I believe I received your mailing because I write to my cousing, Zeev (Tammy)Katz (procom). I loved your photos. thank you for a wondeful view from your lens(eye).

    I live in: Phoenix, Arizona

  203. Benny
    | Reply

    I enjoy much Guy Shachar and his contributors photography, A chance to view the Multi faceted society we live in were ever we are.

    Shalom. Benny

    I live in: La Quinta . California.

  204. Oscar Feuerwerker
    | Reply

    Fantastic…My e mail oscarf28@yahoo.com

    Ani meod iszmach lekabel ha tmunot ha yafot shelcha.

    I live in: Beersheva

  205. Philip Kramer
    | Reply

    I get your pictures from a childhood friend in Israel. They are truly awesome. I circulate them among my friends in the US

    I live in: New Jersey, USA

  206. bettinaventura@libero.it
    | Reply

    I got this message from a friend in my community.

    I was amazed about the photos!

    Thanks to Giuliano Colla, therefore, and thanks to you for the emotions. HAG SAMEACH,

    Elisabetta Ventura

    I live in: Bologna Italy

  207. Ruth Hezroni
    | Reply

    Nice work!

    I live in: Ramat-Hasharon

  208. Moshe Safran
    | Reply

    your presentations are great

    I live in: Rehovot

  209. madani ait kabbout
    | Reply

    I wish that you my words please you. Until another time see you

    I live in: ouarzazate, morocco

  210. madani ait kabbout
    | Reply

    I wish that my words please you. Until another time see you

    I live in: zagora, morocco

  211. Julie-Anne
    | Reply

    To paraphrase Ceasar(I guess!)"Veni,vidi…" and you "vinci.." and well it’s good to know that there are still people like you around,so go for it!…"Climb every mountain,

    Search every stream,

    Follow every rainbow,

    Till you find your dream…"

    and I guess you’ve found it;anyway,go on and explore and let us enjoy !!!!…Thank you,J.

    I live in: Israel

  212. Ori
    | Reply

    Hi !

    I really think you are doing an incrediable work.

    You sure did give me enough reasons to go out and travel !!1

    I live in: Beer Sheva

  213. abraham
    | Reply

    beautiful pictures of our country

    I live in: jerusalem

  214. Dr. Idit Avrahami
    | Reply

    whenever we miss home, we take a walk in Tel Aviv streets through your slide shows. the last one was the best. please go on and god bless you

    I live in: california

  215. nobil
    | Reply

    Thanks for your great site…


    I live in: carmel-israel

  216. Abraham Alfred Muller
    | Reply

    Thumbs Up + Thanks

    I live in: Mexico City

  217. Dora Gmora Muller
    | Reply

    Beautiful photographs, second to none. SHALOM!

    I live in: Mexico City

  218. Micky
    | Reply

    I love the way you see it all. it’s like

    you are looking though my own eyes.

    I live in: Germany

  219. Bo McGough
    | Reply

    outstanding pictures…thanks for sharing them

    I live in: Texas…America

  220. oppenheimer yehuda
    | Reply

    as I am a musician and amateur photographer I

    hear the music which accompany your phantastic work.You feel as if you were some minutes in paradise.thousand thanks for your art !!!

    I live in: jerusalem tel.02 6421355

  221. saul jampolsky
    | Reply

    wanderfull pictures from israel


    I live in: brasil-s.paulo

  222. shalom yakir
    | Reply

    I was deeply impressed with your Iquitos historic photo coverage. It’s an excellent work that must be distributed not only in the Latin America’s Jewish communities but all over the world. My warm regards. shalom-dav@davrat.org.il

    I live in: kibbutz Davrat

  223. milton
    | Reply

    I was surprise to find a so beautiful internet page.Kol ha kavod

    I live in: ashdod

  224. Shmuel Rothbard
    | Reply

    I love your web. Always expecting to get news and new presentations sent by you.

    It is an amazing and rich with beauty web.

    Thank you for providing me (and others) with your wonderful impressions.

    I live in: Gan Shmuel (kibbutz)

  225. Taube Furst Lann
    | Reply

    A friend of mine has been forwarding me your outstanding work for over a year. I want to thank you so much for adding such a beautiful touch to my day.

    I live in: Eilat

  226. haya ronen
    | Reply

    thank you very much for your most wonderful "svivon"

    I live in: israel

  227. Benny Herbst
    | Reply

    Svivin 9. You did it again.

    Yishar Koach.



    I live in: La Quinta, California

  228. Chaim Shacham
    | Reply

    It is really refreshing to see this Quality & Meaningful Pictures.

    I can only say – Thank You

    I live in: St. Louis USA

  229. Jacob
    | Reply


    Please call me as I would like to invite you to our photo club in the north to give us a lecture on your work.

    Please call 0544-821448 Jacob

    I live in: Israel

  230. David Erickson
    | Reply

    Guy, I had the privilege of serving Israel and Syria in the United Nations stationed on the Golan Heights during July 1999 to August 2000. I fell in love with the people and the land on both sides of the line. Your photographs of Winter 03-04 have brought back wonderful memories. Todah/Shukran



    I live in: Ottawa, Canada

  231. Howard Josephs
    | Reply

    Spectacular pictures and a must to view.

    I live in: San Diego,Ca

  232. Odelia Cohen
    | Reply

    Great images! Liked your work a lot, Keep up the good work.

    I live in: TLV, http://www.odeliacohen.com

  233. Delilah
    | Reply

    Nice site, I enjoyed my visit.



    I live in: Canada

  234. lotica
    | Reply

    i like your art

    I live in: usa

  235. Kende F.Csaba
    | Reply


    I live in: Kosice-Kassa Slovakia Europa

  236. Alex Feuerwerker
    | Reply

    O seu trabalho e maravilhoso,ele fora da arte que exprime e tambem um divulgador da nossa patria I S R A E L…..

    I live in: BRASIL

  237. Gio
    | Reply

    You have a very nice webpage. I like it very much. Especially the beautiful pictures!

    I can learn from your idea’s for my homepage.

    This is my homepage. It is a photo shoot of the city of Amstelveen (5km below Amsterdam) : http://home.versatel.nl/ghgrassi/

    All the best and a lot of visitors,


    I live in: Amstelveen

  238. Margery Feinstein
    | Reply

    The presentation of the Synagogues of Budapest is one of the most magnificent I have seen of any presentation. Thank you for your keen eye, your insight, and your sensitivity. In this world of material greed, it is joy to have the talents you possses.

    I live in: Jerusalem, Israel

  239. Denisa
    | Reply

    Very nice pictures from Budapest – have you seen

    also other hungarian cities and their synagogues?

    Well, now it is time to come to Prague and give

    a report :o) Kind regards D.


    I live in: Prague

  240. Rafi Zeira
    | Reply

    Please add my name to your list.


    I live in: Montreal, Canada

  241. sarah capelovitch
    | Reply

    The presentation on Slovakia is attractive , clear and inviting. The text is informative without being cumbersome.

    I live in: Israel

  242. Barry Nathanson
    | Reply

    Enjoyed your photos of shuls in hungary.

    I live in: Toronto

  243. Natalio Broitman
    | Reply

    Kol a kavod lecha tamshij be aviafa be avoda a

    iafa azot BRAVO!!!

    I live in: Staten Island NY.USA.

  244. yaeli avraham
    | Reply

    i love your eye and i love your photos and your descriptions.

    thank you…

    I live in: kibbutz tzora israel

  245. Farah
    | Reply


    Congratulations on this site and bless you for all that you do. These are wonderful pictures that you are sharing with us all – a glimpse into the lives and the wonderful world around us.

    Bless you,


    I live in: Louisiana – USA

  246. Danny Yarhi
    | Reply

    Yafe! Good job, Guy. Nice images. Well done.

    I live in: Reno, Nevada, USA

  247. Timna
    | Reply

    Gorgeous photos from all over the world that show sensitivity and love to the project.

    Very enjoyable & gave me an additinal light in my life.

    PS: I like to see more birds if possible.

    I live in: Charlotte, North Carolina USA

  248. mara higgins
    | Reply

    Hello, you have a great Page! I like it really much. If you like the sun and the sea and want to have really great holidays in spain – please visit us http://www.javeaholidays.com

    I live in: marahiggins@yahoo.com

  249. kozlowsky moshe
    | Reply

    no words can express the beauty of your pictures.

    thanks for doing so much to share with us your love of nature.

    I live in: israel

  250. John
    | Reply

    I was touched by your photos of the Synagogues of Budapest,the whole presentation,photos,text gave the slide show a feeling of respect.


    I live in: Montreal,Qc,Canada.

  251. Sergio Gacit&uacute;a Montecinos
    | Reply

    Guy:te felicito,eres un excelente fot&oacute;grafo.Admiro mucho tu pa&iacute;s,estado dos veces(1998 y 2000 en mayo,y he vibrado con las fiestas de la independencia)

    Saludos cordiales


    I live in: Concepci&oacute;n-Chile

  252. Freddy, Siegfried Glatt
    | Reply

    I just loved your work, mainly The Slovakian Sinagogues. We have been in Poland in Sept.2004 and visited among different places, the Stettel Vielkie Oszy and saw the remains of the once striving jewish community. You could take pictures of hundred’s of sinagogues and cemiteries with the very old tombstones, broken, turned over and out of place. In the cemitery of Ulanov, from where the Glatts came, I had the information that there exist a tombstone of my greatgrandfather Majer Glatt, but I couldn’t find it. The 4 great sinagogues of Krakow, in the jewish quarter, are one next to the other but only one can be visited. The other 3 became buildings for other uses. At the old houses you can still see the two small holes where the Mezuzot wher nailed before. We’ll be in Israel in August for our 12- visit. We have a cousin who is also a photographe in Israel, Danchu Arnon, one of his books is about the kovaim used in the country. By jews as well as arabs and others.

    Be well


    Keep well

    I live in: Rio de Janeiro

  253. UZOAGBA
    | Reply


    I live in: UZOAGBA@yahoo.com

  254. Zapa
    | Reply

    Cool site. Great pictures

    I live in: Buenos Aires, Argentina

  255. Jacob
    | Reply

    Hello Guy,

    Nice portfolio!

    Vive valeque,


    I live in:

  256. Orna Mcnamara
    | Reply

    Congratulations on such a beautiful endeavor of connecting people to beauty and nature.

    I live in: Buffalo, NY and visit israel often

  257. marcia marti
    | Reply

    Gracias Guy por poder participar de estas experiencias graficas a traves tuyo y de una gran amiga que vive en Israel.

    I live in: Buenos Aires Argentina

  258. Stan Kelley
    | Reply

    Israel is a beautiful country and its people are very friendly. Enjoyed my two-week stay there in 1999. I pray for peace between you and the Palestinians. Would like to visit again when times are more peaceful. Thanks. Stan Kelley

    I live in: Pensacola, Florida

  259. Sunny Lubner
    | Reply

    Thank you for the magnificent images of the Shuls of Budapest. Your photographs edify the memory of the sacred souls who perished in the Holocaust.

    I live in: Florida, USA

  260. Gabor Revesz
    | Reply

    Thank you

    I live in: ISRAEL

  261. Elaine
    | Reply

    The Synagogues in Budapest are AWESOME. Mum and I got to see the Great Synogogue and vividly remember the Memorial Tree in the museum dedicated to our family and friends lost in the Holocaust. Travel safe! Live love laugh and be happy!

    I live in: London-South Africa

  262. Russell Maduro
    | Reply

    We are very impressed by your presentation and we all think you should digitalize it so that more people could enjoy it. Especially those who can`t join us in the Synagogues.

    I live in: Curacao Netherlands Antilles

  263. Rachel Hoffman
    | Reply

    Magnificent!The synagoge of Budapest are beautiful, thank you for sharing these gorgeous experience! Best of luck!

    I live in: Miami fl- Mexico City

  264. Rose miller
    | Reply

    you have a really inspiring website. Elaine I’m glad you pointed me in this direction.

    I live in: Cape Town. South Africa

  265. Cathy Klein
    | Reply

    wonderful work, I loved the Budapest Presentation and cant wait to go visit those synagogues next week;)))))))) thank u

    I live in: Brussels Belgium

  266. gerry weiner
    | Reply

    A most spectacular presentation. My deepest thanks and appreciation for helping broaden my understanding. Our people never cease to amaze me and you have added immensely to that knowledge.

    I live in: montreal, canada

  267. Ruth Kovac nee Zilversmit
    | Reply

    Your photos of the Great Synagogue which we visited in 1990 brought back very special memories.

    My parents are survivors from Holland my

    husband’s from Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

    The bonus photos were what we did NOT see.

    Thank you.I hope you will explore more of the "forgotten" synangogues of Europe.


    I live in: Montreal

  268. Erotizmus
    | Reply

    You are the most talented photographer i’ve discovered lately

    I live in: israel

  269. Adina
    | Reply

    Very impressive , beautiful, artistic and professional presentation. The photos are capturing! You have a great eye and obviousely, a great Neshama…Kol Ha’Kavod!

    I live in: Bluefield, VA and Israel

  270. Sebastian Gluzman
    | Reply

    Needless to say…you pictures are wonderful, excellent, but more than you are doing a GREAT job in showing another face of Israel, the real one.

    Col acabod leja!

    I live in: Dallas, TX

  271. David A.Bloch
    | Reply

    Very lovely sight. Great Photos

    I live in: Bellevue,Wa.USA

  272. Andy Gabor
    | Reply

    Great works and great photos

    I live in: Vancouver BC Canada

  273. Yair Benneeman
    | Reply

    What else can I say. Wonderful.

    I live in: Sefarad

  274. Shlomo Broudo
    | Reply


    I live in: HOLON

  275. Jakov Berger
    | Reply

    levi, nem tudom mit kuldok, remelen tetszig.

    I live in: Israel

  276. harry
    | Reply

    I enjoyed the pictures so much and I wish with all my heart to go back to Israel again.

    a blessed place to be

    I live in: south africa

  277. Yehuda Hefer
    | Reply

    Not surprisingly I am very impressed and grateful for Guy’s remarkable work. I’ve permitted myself to forward the link to ~ 200 friends in Israel and all around the world.

    Hzak Ve’ematz!

    I live in: Hofit Israel

  278. Ruth Spivak
    | Reply

    Dear Guy:

    I saw your presentation about Budapest synagogs.

    Kol hakavod!! Mamash meraguesh!!

    I live in: Buenos Aires

  279. John
    | Reply

    Dear Guy,

    I have just had the opportunity to see your Project Haifa. I was most impressed, thank you. I have lived in Haifa now for the past two years and voluteer at the Baha’i World Center. During this most recent war with Lebanon I had sent a regular email out to my families in the USA, NZ and Australia to keep them up with the play. My emails, mentioned different places like Carmel Beach, The Port, Check Post etc. So your slide show was perfect to forward to my family.

    Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

    Kind regards


    I live in: Haifa

  280. Hedy
    | Reply

    Dear Guy:

    My friend Sharona in Haifa sent me your link for The Haifa Project. I went to Israel in early April for the first time and totally fell in love with Haifa- and with whatever I saw in Israel. somehow after a couple of hours, I felt "at home", not at all like I was in a foreign country. But I spent most of the time in Haifa and absolutely was taken by its beauty. thank you for bringing back pleasant and wonderful memories and helping to erase more recent upsetting images that we have seen on TV.

    I live in: US

  281. LILI
    | Reply

    WOW !!!!

    That was a great trip down memory lane.

    Thanx guy for a well put presentation.

    Great photography and text, wanted the slid to go on and on (and on) and never end. 🙂

    Will keep you on my favorites for future power point

    LILI,,,,Ex Bat Galimit

    I live in: AUSTRALIA

  282. Ruthe Karlin
    | Reply

    I spent some time in Haifa in 1966, 68, 69, and I loved it. It looks like it’s grown up a lot since then. Hope I can come back soon. Thank you, Yona and Arik, for sending me your beautiful tribute.

    I live in: Pittsburgh, PA

  283. Darya
    | Reply

    I’m originally from Haifa, though living in London in the past 8 years, never met someone who managed to capture my home-town so beautifully. I love Haifa’s scape and vistas, and in every visit I find its views absolutly breathtaking.

    Thanks for such a lovely presentation.

    Good luck with all the rest

    I live in: London

  284. Rosanne Stein
    | Reply

    Shalom Guy. I have just receved your Haifa Project presentation from my cousin in Petach Tikvah, via email. Your photos are spectacular! I like the way you plot out your journey. Very easy to follow. Your photos have whet our appetite. We can’t wait to get back to Israel. We were there last in 2004.

    Rosanne Stein

    I live in: Ontario, Canada

  285. Pepo
    | Reply

    Hi! My name is Pepo Eskenazi, I live in Monaco. Niels who is an old friend sent me the "Haifa Introduction" which I found fabulous as I had the chance to visit Israel and Haifa last may. Thanks! Pepo.

    I live in: Monaco

  286. Margaret Langer
    | Reply

    Keep it up. Please send me more of those presentations, I showed The Haifa project to my colleagues at work who did not have a clue about our beautiful land. Thanks, Maggie

    I live in: Brazil

  287. Bart
    | Reply

    I just saw "Introduction to Haifa", it’s wonderful, just like I (want to) remember this city.


    I live in: Ede – The Netherlands

  288. Laja R Thomas
    | Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing the most beautiful pictures ever. Thank G-d for Israel and may he keep his eyes on it forever.

    I live in: Germany

  289. Veronica Morra
    | Reply

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Haifa. Excellent work I have friends and family who live in Israel. May God keep HER eyes on sll her children!! May she bless you too!

    I live in: Boston, Massachusetts

  290. Shosh Shalev-Minuk
    | Reply

    Keep the great work you are doing. Fantastic!!!

    All the best. Shosh

    I live in: Canada

  291. Cherie Holton
    | Reply

    Beautiful work. What a multi-talented person. A friend emailed me your Haifa experience photos and they were stunning. You have a great eye for composition and content. Makes me want to go there tomorrow. Except for a few tourist areas my city has still not bounce back from Katrina

    I live in: New Orleans, La

  292. Judith Vogel
    | Reply

    sending best whishes with all our love. GOOD LUCK !!!

    I live in: Berlin/Germany

  293. Norman Greenberg
    | Reply


    I live in: Vancouver, BC, Canada

  294. Fred Libkind
    | Reply

    I’m proud together with you for my wonderful country

    I live in: Giv’at Zeev

  295. Gila Aronson
    | Reply



    I live in: ISRAEL

  296. Beni
    | Reply


    I just returned from a business trip to Brussels. As a Jew and as an Israeli, I cannot tread on European soil without feeling a dark cloud hovering over me. It’s a feeling I cannot do anything about.

    I do hope that events such as the one you participated in will help present to Europeans the Israel I know (and that you so beautifully show in your photography).

    I live in: Israel

  297. Jesse Rappoport
    | Reply

    Guy, your job in Europe is enormous as you must, and will, win over one soul at a time.

    I honor you and your work.

    I live in: Miami,Florida

  298. Bernard Shoub
    | Reply

    Your work is great, Keep it up I look forward to many more Photos

    I live in: Montreal Quebec Canada

  299. Michael Kirstein
    | Reply

    We live in a world where The Media influences public opinion more than ever before -professionallymanipulating public oppinion once an idea/story catches the headlines. Being involved is a way to hit the headlines and influence.

    I live in: Haifa, Israel

  300. helene kleinberger
    | Reply

    I´got from a friend that lives in Portugal your slides from Peru… I liked it and as your name is similar to some relatives of mine that live in Israel, I went to your home page. I felt that if only there were more people like you the world would be so better!

    I live in: Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

  301. Evelyn
    | Reply

    I love Israel and I love your Work.

    Lehitraot, ve Shana Tova.


    I live in: Texas USAI love Israel and I l

  302. Perla Kaufman
    | Reply

    I received your pictures from Peru from a friend who lives in Argentina.

    It was interesting to see the family names in the cemetery. I was born in Morocco and most of the names are of Sephardic descent.

    Your pictures are riveting! Thank you for sharing!

    I live in: New York USA

  303. Edith
    | Reply

    I received your presentation from a friend it was lovely, and already sent it to a friends in Germany, and USA, I wish to continue receiving ,

    Many thanks, Edith Oct. 2006

    I live in: Tel-Aviv

  304. Marianne
    | Reply

    You’re a great artist!!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful, meaningful work with all of us!!!

    I live in: New Jersey-U.S.A

    | Reply



    I live in: ATLANTA, GEORGIA

  306. Moshe N. Friedrich
    | Reply

    Your pics are great! I’m from Kosice, Slovakia, and I found in the pictures the synagogue, which was built in the 30- with the help of my late Father Heinrich, who, with my whole family perished in Auschwitz. God bless you, Guy Shachar!

    I live in: 11,Soroka St 34759 Haifa

  307. mohammad
    | Reply

    what is wedam alghaf 11?

    I live in: iran

    | Reply






    I live in: NEW YORK CITY

  309. enrique singer
    | Reply

    kol hakavod!!!!!!!!!!!

    I live in: montevideo

  310. miriam klein
    | Reply

    When I lived in New York my neighbors were a family named Shachar with a daughter named Yiphat mom Aviva dad Yigal and son Guy .I wonder if this is your family.

    I live in: florida

  311. khalil
    | Reply

    peace be up on …

    I live in: amman

  312. Margaliet Themans-Loss
    | Reply

    I really enjoyed your film on the Budapest Synagogues and suggest the Portuguse Synagogue in Amsterdam for your next film.

    I live in: New Jersey USA

  313. Jaime Leiferman
    | Reply

    Really wonderfull.

    Have you some pictures from Bratislava’s synagogue?I send you may blessings.


    I live in: Montevideo,Uruguay

  314. Danielle Goldberg
    | Reply

    I want to congratulate you for the so beautiful and interesting pictures you take outside and inside Israel.

    I live in:

  315. charles lemaire
    | Reply

    nice pictures thank you I love haifa city

    I live in: France

  316. Suling
    | Reply

    Your Dad just sent me your slide show on Jerusalem. It was very evocative and brought back something like a pang.

    We never visited the Jewish Quarter in the Old City for some reason, only the Arab and Christian. Tsenyi used to go swimming at the YMCA.

    Warmest regards,


    I live in: Singapore

  317. Laurence Bear
    | Reply

    I loved the Haifa project. Guy’s presentation will give me a new way to look at Haifa when I vist next year

    I live in: Los Angeles

  318. Fatmeh
    | Reply

    Great presentation about Haifa. I’m from Jaffa but I study at Haifa university, and I’m in love with Haifa from the first sight…I’ll continue following your project.

    I live in: Jaffa

  319. Ruchama Goldberg
    | Reply

    I was there at the beginning. Makes me homesick.

    I live in: Boca Raton, Florida

    | Reply


    I live in: KIBBUTZ TZORA

  321. ila Drucker
    | Reply

    A friend introduced me to your site. I thoroughly enjoyed looking at some of your photographs and will pass it on to my friends. Shalom,Cila

    I live in: Toronto,Canada

  322. jm
    | Reply

    I no speek your language

    I live in: U.S.A

  323. Laura Alice Sparks
    | Reply

    Thank You for the tour Guy, My husband and I had a great time remembering our trip to Haifa. Thanks to some very Dear Friends of ours we were able to enjoy Your City, and hope to return someday.

    I live in: Dry Ridge, Kentucky

  324. Steve Marinoff
    | Reply

    Shalom,I’m hoping that you are my friend Yoram Feinstein from the Interclub Youth Hostel on Kuhio off Ka’iulani ,in Waikiki Hi. My e-mail address is grasqrl@yahoo.com .Looking foreward to hearing from you.

    Shalom ,lehitraot ,Stevush.

    I live in: a motorhome presently in San Diego

  325. lea waissmann
    | Reply

    Really wonderful, what you do, i like very much when i get from my friends your tour in Israel

    I live in: rio de janeiro-Brasil

  326. Manny Pinsky
    | Reply

    Love your work. Your trips overseas are fantastic. As well of course your home .pps tours.

    Keep up the great work.

    I live in: Kelowna, BC. Canada

  327. Frederic
    | Reply

    Great pictures of the desert, an amazing world of its own. I wish we hear more about people like you in Israel…

    I live in: Madrid

  328. Joe Ehrlich
    | Reply

    Tour of Slovakia Synagogues was outstanding!

    I live in: Delray Beach, Florida USA

  329. Jacob
    | Reply

    I think your presentations are great to promote Israel around the world. I have friends and family abroad who are thirsty for your presentations.Just keep up the good work.

    I live in: Ramat-Gan

  330. Paul Dancz
    | Reply

    Very impressive work!

    I loved your tour of the Synagogues of Budapest.



    I live in: New Jersey USA

  331. Reuven Evron
    | Reply

    Wonderful, sensitive and impressive work. You probably own the same characteristics… Wish you and us many more trips and projects!

    I live in: Raanana

  332. Fran Assa
    | Reply

    I was very impressed with the photography and the accompanying text regarding the Hungary Synagogues. I plan on visiting the other nooks and crannies on your web site. Thanks very much.

    I live in: Caesarea

  333. schapira michael
    | Reply

    continue in your artistic work

    I live in: belgium

  334. Meir & Liora Ben-Haim
    | Reply

    Wonderful, sensitive and impressive work.

    I was very impressed with the photography

    Wish you many more trips and projects!

    Thanks you very much for sheering.

    Liora & Meir Ben-Haim.

    Thornhill ON Canada

    I live in: Thornhill ON CanadaAre

  335. Kevin Millar
    | Reply

    my friend in israel has been emailing me your wonderful photos for some time now, i thought it was about time i wrote to you to say thank you, what wonderful images, it does make me miss israel so very much.

    Thank you again !!

    I live in: London

  336. Gerardo Zir-Gertz
    | Reply

    Great photos! Thank you and go ahead!

    I live in: Buenos Aires, Argentina

  337. Molly Globus
    | Reply

    Guy – your work is outstanding. You are a true lover of nature, someone that appreciates life. Your creativity and your sharing these beautiful pictures with the world is worth much appreciation. Wishing you a great 2007. Molly Globus

    I live in: Hod HaSharon

  338. Feni Orensztejn
    | Reply

    I hope the world will learn with your work how to care about nature.


    I live in: Brasil

  339. Sergio Gonzalez-Karg
    | Reply

    I wish that peace will be the aim of every human being in the world,no matter where he lives.



    I live in: Mexico

  340. Uri Sabadosh
    | Reply

    Thanks for the great presentations. Keep up the good job. Uri

    I live in: USA

  341. Harvey Shore
    | Reply

    So very beautiful!

    I am so proud to see what my people have done with the land in so few years. And, I am delighted to see this great world clas photo art

    I live in: Los Angeles CA

  342. Gadi
    | Reply

    YOU Rule!

    As I wrote to you in the past, I love all your presentaton about Israel. Just finished watching the "wet" Negev. Walked, hicked, run thru all those places. Albeit, 30-40 years ago, but thru you, is as if i’ve done it Yesterday.

    Keep it up.

    I live in: New Jersey

  343. Cheryl Appel
    | Reply

    Dear Guy,

    Your photos are magnificent. I went to school in Israel and love every inch of land there. A million thanks for your beautiful images!!

    I live in: Florida

  344. Marion Grayson
    | Reply

    As an art historian, I’m fascinated by different approaches to the art of photography. A friend e-mailed me your name and one of your photos, and now I’m enjoying the opportunity to study your work.

    I live in: Boulder, CO

  345. Shanna Pittman (shei-na)
    | Reply

    Your work is LOVELY. I lived in Israel, working for Megama Yeruka for a couple years, and now back in the U.S. A friend of mine sent your recent presentation to me, thinking I’d like it.

    Thank you for your work! I’d been wanting to see the flash floods in the south!

    I live in: Portland, Oregon, USA

  346. Dr. Yechiel Shulman
    | Reply

    I have been a fan of yours for a number of years. Your visual presentations and the accompanying texts are unique. They show nature’s scenes from new viewpoints. Your recent Negev floods images are a gem. I am sure your many viewers, both at home and abroad, are always looking forward to your new creations. Keep them coming, My best wishes.

    I live in: Palm Desert, California

  347. Esther Allon
    | Reply

    Hi Guy, I really like your website, photos, stories. May I ask where did you live in Israel in late 70th? I have a feeling that I met you when you were a 6-8 years old boy. Will be happy to hear from you, best regards, Esther.

    I live in: Canada

  348. Diego Vovchuk
    | Reply

    Amazing, breathtaking, etc. those are just a few of the words that came to my mind as I was browsing through some of the presentations…

    I can not wait to send my friends the adress to the site…

    Keep the good work…


    I live in: Argentina

  349. aviva newman
    | Reply

    Thanks for the nice memories of the red phone booths. Takes me back to my childhood

    I live in: Moshav Timorim

  350. soniagutnik
    | Reply

    i am very interested in the presentation

    thank you very much

    sonia gutnik

    I live in:

  351. Yaron Kahanovitch
    | Reply

    Great photos. Perfect timing. I will take this site with me whenever I go.

    I live in: Israel

  352. Will Weber
    | Reply

    I received your presentation or website from a friend of mine. We both live in Fort Lauderdale, He is a sabra from Haifa and I’m a typical American if there is such a thing. I want to say thank you for showing me and the world your wonderful and beautiful county. I look forward to your future presentations and of course my going to Israel to see for myself and actually experience Israeli life.

    Thank you again

    I live in: Fort Lauderdale

  353. Will Weber
    | Reply

    Dear Guy,

    Thank you so much for answering my e-mail. Yes I think it would be an excellent idea to use your photos for the dept. of tourism. I work in one of the largest temples in Boca Raton, Fl. and i will tell everybody i know about your site. I will send them your address so they can see the quality of your work. I am not jewish but your photos has created a desire to visit Isreal. Also you can get your message out to the strong christian population here in the states. You have many friends, you just have to get your visual message out to the world. I will help you in any i can. Good luck and God be with you.

    Will Weber

    I live in: Fort Lauderdale

  354. Luis f LeMaitre
    | Reply

    Awesome presentations! Israel certainly is beautiful country, I am originally from Cartagena, Colombia, Haifa reminded me of it!

    Thanks for sharing…

    Luis LeMaitre

    I live in: Sarasota FL USA

  355. guy sachar
    | Reply

    Hi, you have a very nice site .

    do we know each other?

    i was talking on the telefone one^time with

    a guy like you and me thats holds our similier name ??


    I live in: germany

  356. Nadav
    | Reply

    You sound like a very interesting man. Its nice to know people like you exist. I came across a presentation you made about Peru, which I recieved through an email. It was exciting, and I loved it. I’m planning on checking the rest of your website, and just wanted to leave a mark. Keep up the good work, you’re a remarkable person.

    I live in: Israel

  357. d.j. koutsaris
    | Reply

    your work is wonderful and i enjoy your narratives. please send more!!

    I live in: new york USA

  358. Dorothy Arwe
    | Reply

    I travel to Israel each spring to visit friends made over the internet and one of them sends me your presentations quite often. I forward them to many friends and family and save them for me to enjoy again. Thanks for your wonderful work.

    I live in: Keene,NH USA

  359. Miri
    | Reply


    I live in: Ashdod/Jerusalem

  360. Zvi Barly
    | Reply

    Thank you for your beautiful presentations. Pls let me know if I can be of any help.

    I live in: T-A

  361. Andrew & Helen Steiner
    | Reply

    We were enthralled with your photography. Andrew celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at the Ujlaki Synagogue with the Chief Rabbi of Budapest in 1946.

    I live in: Stonyfell, South Australia

  362. lillifee
    | Reply

    Hi, thanx for your photos and presentations! as my mother lives in israel and i only can come to visit once a year they make the time of missing the wonderful landscapes sweeter!

    I live in: Germany

  363. Avi Levy
    | Reply

    Great photos and info.

    Thank you for the service.

    I live in: Phoenix, Arizona USA

  364. Alexander Schiff
    | Reply

    I enjoyed watching the video of the Budapest Synagogues, by why showing only 3?


    I live in: Wellington New Zealand

  365. Fely Tenenbaum
    | Reply

    Your presentations are a constant source of enjoyment, beauty and information. I look forward to receiving more and congratulate you on your efforts

    I live in: Tel Aviv

  366. ubby gold
    | Reply

    guard and protect nature’s gifts

    I live in: tel aviv

  367. Gita Smith
    | Reply

    Wonderful power point slide show of the synagogues of Slovakia.

    Thank you Guy for making your wonderful images available to the world.

    I live in: Valley, Alabama

  368. Gerd
    | Reply

    Beautiful presentations, Guy!

    Toda raba!

    I live in: Germany

  369. Susy Blaha
    | Reply

    Congratulations on your work. I had the Chance to visit Slovakia (my father´s homeland) through your beautifull photos. If You ever come to Venezuela, I will be very happy helping you with whatever you need. Toda Raba velehitraot!!!!

    I live in: Caracas, Venezuela

  370. MAE
    | Reply



    I live in: ECUADOR

  371. MAE
    | Reply


    I live in: ECUADOR

  372. Vera Somen
    | Reply

    I have just seen your presentation of the synagogues in Slovakia.

    It’s a lovely presentation – thank you.

    It seems you didn’t go to Presov, near Kosice, my parents’ home town. There is a lovely synagogue there and I have some photos – would you like to see them?


    I live in: Nairobi, Kenya

  373. Jacques Asseo
    | Reply

    My nephew in Israel sent me a beautiful photographic presentation of the City of Haifa. My congratulations for a job well done. My family and I went to Israel several times already. If you have a presentation for the City of Jerusalem, please send it to my e mail address.


    Jacques Asseo

    I live in: Florida, USA

  374. anton benjamin
    | Reply

    I just watched your beautiful and touching slide show of the Jewish community and shuls in Slovakia. Very well put together and just so sad to see these once magnificent & now silent structures in such disrepair but at least they stand as a testament to such terrible time for all of humanity.

    I live in: toronto, canada

  375. Henry Siegel
    | Reply

    Hello: Guy, I was the person responsible for the rennovation of the synagoge in the Spis region of Slovakia when I lived in Slovakia from 1993 to 2001. Thanks for putting up the photos of synagoges in Slovakia. They are beautiful. My email address is hsiegel@prodigy.net.mx Thanks. Henry Siegel

    I live in: Mexico

  376. Navina Clemerson
    | Reply

    Thank you Guy – as a haifai-it le she avar, very much enjoyed your photos, also of the tiul in the Negev, wonderful.

    Your photographs are beautiful.

    I also enjoy your text and the presentation as a whole.

    Have seen the one on the synagogues in Slovakia, very moving.

    What can I say, except Thank you.


    I live in: Wellington New Zealand

    | Reply


    I live in: CANCUN MEXICO

  378. Jonathan
    | Reply

    Hello and peace to all

    I live in: Chicago, IL

    | Reply


    I live in: AUSTRALIA

  380. Gad Hofmann
    | Reply

    I just received from a friend your pictures od Slovakia. I am an 80 year old senior. My Grandparents who were born in Slowakia and married there perished in Auschwitz in 1942.

    I was trying to approch someone in Slowakia to look for other memebers of The Hofmann Family, but have no idea whom I can approcach to look into the archives. I have written my Memoirs and wished I could get some informations. I speak Hebrew, and also German. Thanks for any advise you may give me Toda M’rosh

    I live in: Canada

  381. marilyn Delevante
    | Reply

    lovely pictures.

    I live in: JAMAICA

  382. amnon ronkin
    | Reply

    please call me tel,04 8773477.

    I live in: k.motzkin 38 heala road

  383. soso
    | Reply

    i miss you so much

    I live in: israel

  384. Abe Schwadron
    | Reply

    We enjoy your pictures very much

    and thank you

    I live in: Ashdod

  385. Debra Katz Heath
    | Reply

    Thank you for this beautiful website as some of my family members are going to Budapest in a few weeks and this will help them.

    I’ve still one family member still in Budapest, Hungary after all these years!

    For people that can’t afford travel to the synagogues -this is perfect and my father was born in Slovakia also!

    Please keep in touch- I want to help you.


    Can you do all synagogues in the world that still survive( in Europe,China,Middle East,etc(not in the USA of course) and write a book?

    It would do very well and you could get sponsers via Jewish groups in the US for promotions!

    I’ve a cousin that’s a Rabbi in San Diego, California by the way.

    You never know who has major connections!

    you’re an excellent photographer and journlist as well and that’s what my two daughters do! Debra

    I live in: Miami, FL USA

  386. a j cole
    | Reply

    like your photo

    I live in: atlanta, ga

  387. arie
    | Reply

    i’m looking for info + map how to get to


    i’m not sure its spelt the right way

    I live in: israel

  388. IC
    | Reply

    You are some Gever-Gever!

    I live in: ÷øéú çééí Haifa

    | Reply



  390. Michelle Ruggiero
    | Reply

    What a wonderful site! Superior creativity. Fantastic impressions and visuals.

    I live in: Staten Island New York

  391. Roz
    | Reply

    Thanks for putting together a wonderful site. My children and I are enjoying going with you on virtual visits!

    I live in: Florida

  392. Cleide
    | Reply

    Congratulations, you have creativity and wonderful pictures and marvellous musics

    I live in: `S&atilde;o Paulo, Brazil“

  393. Cleide
    | Reply

    Congratulations Guy!!

    You have creativity and wonderful pictures and marvellous musics

    I live in: Sao Paulo – Brazil“

  394. zehava blackman
    | Reply

    Enjoing all your videos

    Especially about Haifa and Bat-Galim

    Todah Rabah

    I live in: born in Bat galim lives in phildelphia

  395. Ricardo Guinsburg
    | Reply

    I enjoy the way you see places.

    Great work.

    I live in: Rio de Janeiro Brazil

  396. George
    | Reply

    these pictures are very nice but they are not belong to you!! one day GOD will kick you out of Arab land.

    I live in: Jordan

  397. Murray
    | Reply

    Keep it up! Fantastic pictures and appreicate bilingual Hebrew-English info. Most impressive!!!

    I live in: Atlanta USA

  398. Peter Baker
    | Reply

    The images are so beautiful, I have shared the Slovenia show will lots of my friends. Thank you Guy for allowing us to share your beautiful slides/photographs.

    I live in: England

  399. Cecil Migdal
    | Reply

    One of the best, if not THE best site I’ve seen.

    Both for photography and music.

    Simply outstanding.

    I live in: Israel

  400. shachar
    | Reply

    i love you

    I live in:

  401. Lisi
    | Reply

    Thank you for doing such great work and sharing it with us all – it is heart warming. Keep up the good work – I will send your site to all my good friends!

    "Kol haKavod" for publishing the Jordanian’s message as well…

    I live in: Jerusalem

  402. MAYRA
    | Reply

    Realmente me impresiono la belleza de tu excelente trabajo. Saludos y felicitaciones desde Puerto Rico, USA

    I live in: Puerto Rico

  403. Yochanan G. Pernisa
    | Reply

    I’m as well a hobby-photografer.

    I respect and apreciate Your works.

    Today a friend from London has sent me Your pictures taken at the Neghev. Great.



    I live in: Imola ( Bologna ) ITALY

  404. Nancy
    | Reply

    What a wonderful and colorful way of seeing another country and learn more about it. Wish more people would do this and allow others to learn about them in such an educational way. Great job, keep up the great work.

    I live in: Tridell, USA

  405. Vivian
    | Reply

    Fascinating pictues of Slovakia, Kosice and the area surrounding Banska Bistriska and the partisan hideouts.

    My mother is from that area (Vranov amd Kosice) and she is writing her memoirs…

    She was in hiding in Banska Bistriska after managing to avoid the deportation. Do you have more pictures of these areas?

    Wonderful work

    I live in: Toronto Canada

  406. david richard goldberg
    | Reply

    your "temples of slovakia" video was a masgnificent remembrance of a jewish civilization cut tragically short and decimated by nazi accomplices. these jewish brothers lived and prayed and died only because they were jews! these magnificent empty houses of worship remind us that we must be ever vigilant to evil and anti semitism . never again, never again!!!

    I live in: delray beach, florida

  407. Batya Lam -Bessie Wolfson
    | Reply

    Your presentation of Synagoges in Slovakia is absolutely gorgeous. When I showed it to friends in the kibbutz who came from there it brought tears to their eyes. However you did not mention who the singer was and where the choir was from. The music was out of this world. Kal Hakvod.

    I live in: Kibbutz Eindor,-Israel

  408. Steve Marinoff
    | Reply

    For Yoram Feinstein ,from Interclub Hostel Waikiki,

    Yoram if this reaches you please e-mail me your e-mail address ,phone # and where-abouts.

    Aloha Vuh-shalom, "Stevush" .

    I live in: a motorhome now in Ca.

  409. Dr Sukanya Datta
    | Reply

    My friend Mrs Orna Saar introduced me to your work. I am delighted to have been able to have seen your world through your camera…perhaps someday I will see the view with my eyes. Till then, thank you. I am very impressed. Sukanya

    I live in: New Delhi, India

  410. Irene Pelled
    | Reply

    HArd to believe that there are Jews in Iquitos. I did not get down to the Amazon but if I do I will definitely look them up. Amazing. Keep me on a email list of your Power Points. Love travel. I have been all over the world to places people haven’t even heard of;




    I live in: NYC

  411. Joseph H
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing your pictures.

    They are beautiful.


    I live in: Walden, NY

  412. Molly Leon
    | Reply

    I am a peruvian jewish, and I really enjoy your pictures and documentation you got from the jewish in Amazon.Thank you


    I live in: Lima Peru

  413. Shlomo Grinstein
    | Reply

    Very nice pictures from Iquitos.

    One of the pictures shows my wife’s Grandfather Tombestone(EDERY)I have been there many times.

    Shalom, Shlomo

    I live in: Canada

  414. israel wilk
    | Reply

    No se escribir en ingles.

    Es conmovedor todo lo que trasunta este portal.

    me llega hasta lo mas intimo de mi corazon

    I live in: Rep.Argentina

  415. Malca Nadby
    | Reply

    Thank you for the many hours of joy your work brings into my life. Thank you.

    I live in: Bogota, Colombia, South America

  416. Alan Kass
    | Reply

    Shalom from a brother in the high desert in Northern Nevada. I saw your great Powerpoint presentation on the Slavakia temples. Keep up the great work! — Alan —

    I live in: Reno, NV, USA

  417. Lala Reif Gossen
    | Reply

    Beautiful and Fascinating !

    I live in: San Antonio,Texas USA

  418. Simon Bergman
    | Reply

    I LOVED your presentation on synagogues in Slovakia. My Mother’s family (Strelinger and Breitbart) came from Banska Bystrica and I also went into the building you photographed. In the rear entrance, my family (who still live there), showed me the door where the Rabbi’s private study was. I could still see the nail holes in the door frame where the mezuza was attatched.

    There is also a very well preserved Jewish cemetary in Banska Bystrica. I also have photos of a Synagogue in Brezno (50km from BB), which is now being restored if you would like.

    Slovakia, is such a beautiful country!


    I live in: Melbourne, Australia

  419. Shelley Gornish
    | Reply

    I just saw your touching piece on the synagogues of Slovakia. My maternal grandparents are from Huncovce(Hunsdorf in German) the seat of a famous yeshiva. The town was right near Poprad and I am sure that their relatives were all on transports that left from Poprad.

    I found this presentation chillingly beautiful and cried at the sight of the rail station at Poprad.

    Thank you.

    Shelley Gornish

    I live in: Merion, Pennsylvania, USA

  420. Peter Dunner
    | Reply

    Nice photo essay about the synagogues of Slovakia. I’ve been doing synagogues around Europe for a long time and it makes for a great presentation.

    As to your Israeli photos,(which are beautiful) I’m eager to return and try out my newest venture-Infrared photography-have you ever explored it? I had a Nikon D70s altered (they replace the sensor with an infrared sensitive sensor) to do only IR photography. If you are interested I’d be glad to share some pictures with you.

    Peter Dunner,M.D.


    I live in: Potomac, Maryland

  421. Jackie Weisman
    | Reply

    Have been receiving these videos for quite a while now & am so grateful. They are WONDERFUL!!What beautiful work!Thank you! Thank you!

    I live in: USA

  422. Sid Glassar
    | Reply

    Your presentations of Haifa are just superb.Haifa was my home as a kid inthe late 40’s. Thanks for the memories

    I live in: London UK

  423. Eva
    | Reply

    I am a friend of your cousin Arnold Schwartz of Saratoga. I grew up in Kosice, and I went to the school and synogogue throughout my childhood. I also vacationed in the Tatras with my family. It was very touching to see the pictures. Thanks, Eva.

    I live in: Palo Alto, CA

  424. linda mischel
    | Reply

    hi guy,

    I need a nice picture of the Yeshuv Sh’arei tikva (jpg.) for a memory video of a 90 yr old woman who lived there. can u help.

    thanks linda

    I live in: herzelia

  425. Noemi
    | Reply

    I’ve been enjoying your presentations ever since I was lucky enough to get one of them in my inbox. I like how you combine photos and information in a very pleasant sometimes humorous way ! I’ve learned so much from every presentation. Wish you all the best and….THANK YOU !

    I live in: Israel

  426. Michael (Mickey) Garay
    | Reply

    Hope to see you someday in the beautiful Arizona!

    Shalom Uvrachah


    I live in: Tucson,Arizona

  427. Nadja
    | Reply

    Hi Guy

    Very nice photos and information!I enjoyed them very much!



    I live in: Switzerland

  428. sharon
    | Reply


    I am fascinated for your job.

    Do you do tours around the world? were u in brazil or will you come anytime?

    I live in: brasil (sao paulo)

  429. Egi
    | Reply

    I just got your presentation of the Yehudiya River as an attachment to an E-Mail from friends. It made me curious to see more from you.

    You have a wonderful homepage!



    I live in: Germany

  430. angela
    | Reply

    hi i work for subliminal and alon de loco there israeli artist in israelo im looking for sponsers to bring them for a concert in nyc for the jewish children of nyc their websites are tact-records.com and alon-deloco.com my email is israelsangel@hotmail.com thank you and shana tova.

    I live in: nyc

  431. eva davisg
    | Reply

    I love to "travel" through your pages

    I live in: chile, south america

  432. joe sher
    | Reply

    Your photography outstanding and the backgroumd to the wonderful pictures very interesting. Please keep on with the TRAVEL.

    Best wishes and thanks.

    I live in: Cape Town South Africa

  433. Maxine Boyd
    | Reply

    Wonderful presentations of Synagogues in Slovakia and also the presentation of the synagogue in Budapest

    I live in: Cape Town south Africa

  434. Robert R. Weiss
    | Reply

    Thank you for the Synagogues of Slovakia and Budapest. Shalom from a MACHAL soldier

    I live in: Boynton Beach,FL USA

  435. ron b
    | Reply

    i just saw your amazing presentation of haifa city (my home town) and i think if the city hall had some people like yourself to present itself this would be the most atractive toustic site..

    kol hakavod!

    I live in: israel

  436. Elizabeth
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing in your travels.

    You have been to and seen the most amazing sites which I never knew existed! This gives me a chance to learn new things and experience it second hand.

    Thank you and enjoy!


    I live in: Ramat Gan

  437. Anat
    | Reply

    Chapeau for you – Guy!!!

    It is always a pleasure to "know of" and to "travel" through your power-points & links.

    Your knowledge, ability and sense of humor are admirable.

    I live in: Peru

  438. Ivri Tasker
    | Reply

    Your photo presentation of Nachal Yehudiah brought back pleasant and tragic memories of 30 years ago when I was in the regular army. The small waterfall pictured with steps and railings was the same and different then. We were 15 uniformed soldiers who went on a shabbat trek. 15 went in. 14 came out. On the last part of the trek, we had the choice of either jumping from the top of the waterfall into the pool or going down by rope. I was the third to jump. I waited, swimming in the pool below with the sergeant and a qualified lifeguard. At the top, the officer asked the next in line, a 19 year old, whether he could swim. His last words were "What can happen, maximum?". He plunged down next to me, but did not bob up. The 3 of us dived and dived again in the pea green water, but only to a depth of 3-4 meters due to the pressure on our ears. The following day a helicopter rescue squad extracted the body from a depth of 5 meters. The pool was about 30 meters deep. It seems he either panicked or hit his knee on his forehead. A wonderful trip had turned into a tragedy.

    So to all trekkers I say "Have a good time, but be cautious". I haven’t returned there since then, although I would very much like to.

    I live in: Givat Chaim Meuchad

  439. michael spiegel
    | Reply

    What made you want to travel in the eastern mountains of Poland? I am surprised that our wonderful Polish brethren didn’t demolish these synagogues or use them for horse stalls or worse.

    I live in: Toroto, Ontario, canada

  440. Erol Barbut
    | Reply

    Hi, I am a grand nephew of Moise and Marie Eskenazi who lived in Eux-Vives in Geneva. I am the son of Mark Barbut, Moise’s nephew. When I was a teen-ager I met Pepo Eskanazi. I just found out that he is a keen horseman. By coincidence (or genes) my daughter Sylvia who lives in Waimea, Hawaii is a dedicated equestrian trainer and teacher. My email address: ebarbut@clearwire.net

    I live in: Moscow, Idaho, USA

  441. Michael Keller
    | Reply

    Would you be at liberty to tell me how I can get in touch with Dava Savel? I’m an old, old, old, old friend from college. My e-mail address is mkeller@cfa.com. Thank you.

    I live in: New York, NY

  442. Janete Vargas
    | Reply

    A marrano identified, fronteira Uruguay-Brasil.


    I live in: Los Angeles, CA, USA

  443. Karen & Morrie Davidson
    | Reply

    Not only are the pictures magnificent, but the singing voice is absolutely, unbelievably OUTSTANDING!!!!!!

    I live in: West Bloomfield, Michigan

  444. Efinda Endondo Yimo
    | Reply

    Monsieur Eskenazi,

    C’est avec un grand plaisir, je viens de trouver le moyen de vous envoyer ce message.Depuis 13 ans je vis ici a Montreal et je suis maintenant je suis citoyen Canadien. J’ai travaill&eacute; avec vous chez Groupe Solbena-Plastica et je garde toujours bons souvenir de vous.Mes Salutations.

    I live in: 698,Hibernia. Montreal-Quebec H3K -2T5

  445. Janine
    | Reply

    Guy, your photos are stunning and so very real.

    I so enjoyed your presentation on Peru which was sent to me by my sister in South Africa.

    We are planning a 2 week trip to Peru next summer and although I dont think we will get to the places you visited, your presentation gave us an "apetite"!

    Well done – you can be so very proud!

    I live in: Toronto

  446. sylvia
    | Reply

    I liked your pictures very much

    I live in: JERUSALEM

  447. Mimi Weinberger
    | Reply

    your photos are amazing.

    I’m really enjoying them.

    I live in: South Florida (USA)

  448. Maryn Weigen
    | Reply

    I think your photos are superb – beautiful and educational. The accompanying music on the Synagogues of Slovakia are so beautiful it made me cry.

    I live in: Coral Springs, Florida

  449. Nomy Szoychen
    | Reply

    Shalom guy, I have been following your work for a while now, and I just need to tell you that your artistic vision and sensibility to appreciate beauty is like nothing I seen before. I am a judaic studies teacher and I have shown your work to many students. You are truly an artist.

    continue with your passion! and thank you for your work.

    I live in: Jacksonville, Fl

  450. daliazl
    | Reply

    with the endless info it is rare that I stop for feed back, your site is special.

    I live in: natanya

  451. Jack Ellis
    | Reply

    Thank you for enriching my life and knowledge about a heretofore unknown region.

    I live in: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, USA

  452. Alan Cahn
    | Reply

    Great shots of a wonderful memory..Shalom,Alan

    I live in: Lincolnwood,Illinois

  453. pim
    | Reply

    hi guy,

    the most beautifull experience is the unexpected.

    once in a while I receive a newsletter from a good collegue and friend in israel, and he and I show eachother the beauty of israel vs. croatia.

    its a win/win, but he forwarded your site to me, and shit happens, now its israel leading.

    so thanks to you, I have to go back to croatia as soon as possible to balance the score again.

    (still, eating oranges in a roman palace at the Adriatic coast and walking in the snow at a 30 minutes distance, thats all possible in Croatia).

    anyway, thanks for your eyes, pim

    I live in: holland (and croatia)

  454. JEFF
    | Reply


    I live in: SHOHAM

  455. Benjamin
    | Reply

    Hi Guy,

    Thanks to your snowy presentation I reached your web site. Wonderful and original pictures. Great job. Thank you for sharing your production.

    I live in: Luxembourg; Luxembourg

  456. Yoki Fogel
    | Reply

    Thank you Guy for the beautifuul snow photo’s. it’s like a wonderland! Don’t stop with doing what you’re doing now: making wonderfull photo’s.

    I live in: Delft, The Netherlands

  457. Kiyoko Nanni
    | Reply

    A friend sent me your Powerpoint Slideshow on Haifa, English version. It is very well done and informative. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm to re-discover Israel and bring much of it to our attention. I love being in your country and am sad that I will be leaving at the end of the year. All the best, Kiyoko

    I live in: Haifa

  458. Anna Cwirko-Godycki
    | Reply

    I enjoyed very much the photos of the Ramon area in snow. I have been there twice but it truly looks enchanting in snow. When I have time I will check out your other photos. I disseminted the photos to about 50 people on my list. Toda and Szalom. Anna- Ilana

    I live in: San Mateo, California

  459. Yehudit
    | Reply

    Expressions of enthusiasm, appreciation and thanks can little describe the pleasure and delight which your presentation on Snow in Ramon gives. The beauty of the area is multiplied by the rare white blanket.

    You are so talented and such a wonderful ambassador for our little country that all the world should know of you. I will do my part by forwarding this amazing work to as many people as I have in my contact list.

    May G-d bless you with continuing success in all that you do and the world wide fame you deserve.

    I live in: Petach Tikvah

  460. Dinah setton
    | Reply

    Israel is beautifull allways!!!

    I loved all the pictures

    I live in: Brasil

  461. Avishai
    | Reply

    I just came back from Mitzpe, it was amazing the week before the snow and even more exciting to see your pictures.

    I live in: San Francisco

  462. Cynthia
    | Reply

    I’ve seen your pictures from Mitzpe Ramon. This place is in my heart since 2003, when I visited Israel. Great memories, and amazing views of this place.

    Best wishes from Buenos Aires,


    I live in: ARGENTINA

  463. Natalio Grynberg-Donaiger
    | Reply

    Exelentes tus fotos…

    Agradezco la existencia de Internet para conocer los trabajos de un gran fotografo


    I live in: Rosario Argentina.

  464. Amitai Brown
    | Reply

    So beautiful and amazing! Having stood and seen many of the places you shown makes it still more wonderful!

    Am Yisrael Chai,

    R Brown

    I live in: New Hampshire, USA

  465. Dorina
    | Reply

    I,m from Canada and I just saw your presentation


    snow ….,for your country it’s so rare,for us it’s like 6 months a year.

    I love the pictures.My sister lives there,I was in Sinai, but never saw snow there.It’s amazing!!!!

    Your pictures are amazing!!!!

    I live in: Toronto,Canada

  466. Jacques PACHTER
    | Reply

    I received your pictures from a friend living in Paris, I know Mitzpe Ramon in spring and in winter but without snow! We where for one day in Timna Park at the beginning of November, it was a wonderful day. Your work is very nice, in fact it reminds me Israel, my next visit is planned for Yom Haatsmaout. Have a nice week, Chavouat Tov ! Jacques

    I live in: Aix en Provence (Southern France)

  467. gabi
    | Reply

    You are an amzing photographer, lovely pictures…

    I live in: Tivon

  468. Alexander Krylov
    | Reply

    Picture of snow in Negev are excellent. In my country snow is a very usual part of life but snow in Israel looks fantastic. You are a great artist.

    I live in: Moscow, Russia

  469. Paula
    | Reply

    I really enjoyed your SNow in the Negev photos. We were in Israel in the fall with my Hadassah friends, standing in some of the same overlooks, taking photos from the same views. These were quite marvelous. Thank you, Shalom.

    I live in: New York

  470. Glenn Libgott
    | Reply

    Beautiful pictures – I was in this area last in 1974 but it was so impressive I never forgot sitting in the Egged bus conquering the ridge!

    Brings back good memories. I received these pictures from my sister and will certainly send them on. Hope to see many more pictures from your steady hand and sharp eyes in the future!

    Keep up the good work!

    I live in: The Netherlands

  471. Albrecht Grimm
    | Reply

    Got the fotos from a friend in Israel!Incredible! – The snow on the mountais is like sugar on a cake!

    I live in: Germany

  472. Fruma Bell
    | Reply

    Fantastic pictures. Thank you for sharing them

    and letting us show them to friends. I have been

    getting your pictures for the last couple of years.

    I live in: Toronto, ON Canada

  473. Linda Sklar
    | Reply

    i just saw your budapest synagogue presentation…it was beautiful…4 years ago i visited the dohany synagogue…i stayed there a long time rummaging through old sifrei kodesh being sold just outside the knissa to the men’s section. i bought a siddur printed in Cracow 30 years before the holocaust and couldn’t help wondering how many hands had used that siddur and even how it survived and what it might have witnessed. please let me know if you have a book or anything for sale that includes the photos and beautiful explanations of the budapest synagogues…i am fluent in hebrew so although i prefer the hebrew-english version in your presentation, if i have to choose hebrew or english i’d like hebrew. thanks, linda

    I live in: Las Vegas, Nevada

  474. Linda Sklar
    | Reply

    i just saw your budapest synagogue presentation…it was beautiful…4 years ago i visited the dohany synagogue…i stayed there a long time rummaging through old sifrei kodesh being sold just outside the knissa to the men’s section. i bought a siddur printed in Cracow 30 years before the holocaust and couldn’t help wondering how many hands had used that siddur and even how it survived and what it might have witnessed. please let me know if you have a book or anything for sale that includes the photos and beautiful explanations of the budapest synagogues…i am fluent in hebrew so although i prefer the hebrew-english version in your presentation, if i have to choose hebrew or english i’d like hebrew. thanks, linda

    I live in: Las Vegas, Nevada

  475. Jerry Braden
    | Reply

    Dear Sir , your "Snow in Ramon" photos stimulated my heart and head and I heard the truth of Paslm 19 come alive how that God speaks to us without words. What a grand message ! Thank You. I want to revisit this Land of God !

    I live in: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

  476. avi laker
    | Reply


    I live in: texas

  477. Bishnu
    | Reply

    I was there couple of months ago and that time it was so hot and now with snow difficult to believe. Great job!! Thanks.

    I live in: Chitwan, Nepal

  478. Michael Perry
    | Reply

    I was born in Haifa 65 years ago.

    Your pictures of Haifa warmed my heart.

    Keep up the good work.

    I live in: Sydney Australia

  479. sonia gutnik
    | Reply


    i enjoyed the scenaries

    i hope i would see more

    thank you very much

    sonia gutnik

    I live in: rio de janeiro brasil

  480. JOEL M BANK
    | Reply



  481. Flora Yap
    | Reply

    How beautiful the world is! A gift from God.

    I live in: St. Ingbert, Germany

  482. tomer
    | Reply

    tank you

    I live in: houston,tx

  483. Ingrid
    | Reply

    Your work is beautiful. Thank you!

    I live in: Chicago

  484. Joshua Denegri
    | Reply

    Muchas Gracias por las fotos y tu excelente trabajo….las fotos dicen mas que mil palabras

    Thank you so much for your pictures you have done a excelent work…a single picture say more than thousand words!

    I live in: Peru

  485. Robin
    | Reply

    Just saw this at 6:00 AM, what a wonderful way to start the day. Thanks for sharing!

    I live in: San Francisco

  486. Agnes Tafla
    | Reply

    you are a very very very good photographer!

    I never heard of those beautiful places.It’s too late for me to visit them myself,..age………..

    but a can still dream of them……………..

    I live in: Haifa

    | Reply



  488. Moshe
    | Reply

    I just see the wiew of VISION. It is wonderful.

    Congratulations and continue to give us beautiful photographs

    I live in: Hod Hasharon – Israel

  489. elisa segal
    | Reply

    exellent !maravillosa historia nuestra!muy buen material gracias!felicitaciones

    I live in: parana entre rios argentina

  490. alicia artenstein
    | Reply

    So very beautiful! you are really a great photographer! Please continue…I’m looking forward for to see more!I saw many photo’s of snow and mountains, but this is really special! Thanks!

    I live in: the netherlands

  491. Arthur Einstein
    | Reply

    A friend sent the presentation of Jews in the Amazon, which I found fascinating. Keep travelling and reporting. Good luck

    I live in: Katonah New York, USA

  492. Yvette
    | Reply

    Thank you, inspiring Guy with a dream.

    I live in: Amsterdam

  493. deborah
    | Reply

    very very nice ….thanks from brazil..i´m too far,but very happy to see this presentations..todah rabah

    I live in: sao paulo,brazil

  494. Heather Setzen
    | Reply

    Have been sent a number of your presentations via e-mail. LOVE your work. Thank you for bringing such interesting things to my computer.

    I live in: Johannesburg South Africa

  495. Robert Weinraub
    | Reply

    You showed me places in Israel that I did not existed. Israel is still a very beautiful place and thru your pictures you make more people want to visit there. Thank you for it.

    I live in: Los Angeles-USA

  496. Adele
    | Reply

    I love your website. Thank you for sharing your travels with us.

    I live in: Jerusalem

  497. Gadi
    | Reply

    Just got your "report" about the new bridge….

    As usual by you – Well Done.

    Keep it up, and good luck.

    I live in: New Jersey

  498. Robert Sabin
    | Reply

    Your photography is spectacular and inspirational. I now want to travel to Israel to see all the places you’ve so eloquently captured in your photography. Thanks for sharing.

    I live in: Houston, TX

  499. Bill Whitfield
    | Reply

    Beautiful pictures! Great content.

    I live in: So. Ohio

  500. Les Amdur
    | Reply

    Always enjoy your presentations.

    Just watched Synagogues in Slovakia.

    We were in Bratislava last year. Did you see the engraving on the wall next to the site , where the Synagogue was demolished only a few years ago, to make space for the new bridge’s pillar ?

    (The now famous bridge links to the other side of the Danube).

    I live in: Manof, Gush Segev (Misgav)

  501. Stanley & Ida Rosen
    | Reply

    how powerful ( to me ) that presentation of the Slovakia Syngogues was…especially the singer of Kol Nidre.


    I live in: we live In Las Vegas, NV

  502. manu
    | Reply

    tout d’ abord merci pour ce merveilleux voyage dans ton blog et magnifiques ces syna de slovakie .

    amicalement manu.

    I live in: france

  503. myrna yalon
    | Reply

    my husband and I used to br on your emailing list of your beautiful photos. I lost your emial, guy and never got them again. He has died and as buried in Israel and looking at the pictures helps to soothe my aching soul. Thank you for bring out there.

    myrna yalon

    I live in: silver spring, md 20901

  504. myrna yalon
    | Reply

    my husband and I used to be on your emailing list of your beautiful photos. I lost your emial, guy and never got them again. He has died and as buried in Israel and looking at the pictures helps to soothe my aching soul. Thank you for being out there.

    myrna yalon

    I live in: silver spring, md 20901

  505. Ros Minster
    | Reply

    Your presentations are oustanding. I usually get them in my email from friends and didn’t know that you have a magazine called Svivon. It’s so much easier to read all the information you present in English so I hope you’ll be be able to have them all translated soon. Best wishes.

    I live in: Nahariya

  506. Dahlia Baral
    | Reply

    Love your work, Loved synagogues in slovakia, my mother was born in SPISSKE, with the castle’. Can you please send it as a web site to my cousin at susan@susanfaludi.com her computer does not open when i sent it, she needs the actual website thanks, Dahlia.

    I live in: sydney australia

  507. Michael Benjamin
    | Reply

    i appreciate the link that you forge with many aspects of judiasm and israel especialy. Through your eyes i can have a better understanding of the past and the present and i thank you.

    I live in: Australia

  508. Shelly Levy
    | Reply

    A friend in Israel sent me the presentation on Slovakia. I passed it on to many friends who will love and appreciate it as I do. Please keep doing what you are doing and I will continue to follow your work. It is inspiring that someone so young and talented is interested in our past and shares it with those who cannot see it for themselves. Also, your other work is much appreciated and your photos of Israel are inspired.

    I live in: Encino, Ca.

  509. Alan Moss
    | Reply

    Glad I have found your site. I have also photographed some of the same places, but not quite the same quality. Nice to have the opportunity of comparing the differences of approach. Thoroughly enjoyed your snow photos, not what you expect to see as Israel photos.

    I live in: Cockfosters (London)

  510. ed & judy kaplan
    | Reply

    beautiful photography … too bad we didn’t know about you when we visited Israel this past April … it would have been nice to do some touring together.

    I live in: stony brook, ny

  511. harvey taback
    | Reply

    great work

    greatly appreciated



    I live in: jerusalem

  512. Jonathan Beare
    | Reply

    Dear Mr Schachar

    Someone sent me your presentation on the Synagogues of Slovakia, which I certainly enjoyed watching. I would be interested to know who the chazzan is who sings "Kol Nidre" in this presentation.

    I send you kind regards.

    Yours sincerely

    Jonathan Beare

    I live in: South Africa

  513. moshe
    | Reply

    great report about petah-tikva . as one of the city "survivers" ,gray city,without any recpect for its citizenes.years of corruption and bad administration.

    I live in: israel

  514. Guy Shachar
    | Reply

    For all those who wonder…

    The "Kol Nidre" in the "Synagogues of Slovakia" presentation is performed Johnny Mathis.

    It can be found in two CDs: "Good Night, Dear Lord" and "Johnny Mathis 40th Anniversary Edition".

    Worth mentioning, that this background music was not part of the original presentation, and added later by an anonymous viewer. Although violating the copyright terms of the presentation, the "Kol Nidre" addition adds an enchanting atmosphere to the presentation, which has been circulating around the globe in its new format for more than a year.

    I live in: Israel

  515. Micki Sander
    | Reply

    I am a member of Congregation Beth Israel and send out our weekly Eletter to our congregants. I would like to put a link in the newsletter to your video "The Synagogues of Slovakia". However, I need a weblink, do you have one?


    I live in: Dallas, Texas

  516. Maureen
    | Reply

    Looking forward to some interesting reading and comments.

    I live in: Tivon

  517. maryse Klass
    | Reply

    I have received a video from you "synagogue in slovakia" , beautiful, but even more beautiful, I love the cantor’s voice and would really like to know his name and buy a CD from him, hope you can help me and my family, all my thanks, maryse Klass (954 981 3025, 118 kensington road, Hollywood , Florida 33021)

    I live in: florida. USA

    | Reply


    I live in: HOUSTON, TEXAS

  519. Ivan Mark
    | Reply

    Congratulations on the beautiful photos in your "Synagogues of Slovakia" collection.

    I am 81 years old, born in the town of Banska Bystrica (Czechoslovakia)mentioned in one of your pages.

    I live in: Canada

    | Reply


    I live in: ANAHEIM, CA

  521. ESTEE
    | Reply

    Congratulations on the beautiful photos in your "Synagogues of Slovakia" collection. JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT SYNAGOGUE KLOUCHEE MEANS THE "KEY" TO THE SYNAGOGUE.


    I live in: MONTREAL

  522. George Vulkan
    | Reply

    Have just seen your excellent ‘Synagogues of Slovakia’ We have also just returned from there and met Rabbi Jossi Steiner in Kosice. We only saw the synagogue from the outside. My father grew up in Kosice and we saw the house where he lived over 100 years ago.

    I live in: Harrow (London) England

  523. ferit
    | Reply

    I’m happy to join here

    I live in: turkey

  524. Jacquie
    | Reply

    Friends have shared some of your PPS and we have enjoyed them very much. Glad to find the source!

    I live in: Pittsboro, NC

  525. Ed Rosenblum
    | Reply

    May G-d bless you and your work.

    I live in: New Joisey

  526. daphne palka
    | Reply

    I am an Israeli living in NY. I have seen your display of deserted synagogues in Koshitze, -Slovakia. My husband’s family comes from there and we were extremely move by the beautiful, well informed display. Can you enlarge the print on the last slide(Even me’kir tiz’aak?) In Hebrew.? it was not so clear, I would like to show it to my students in a Hebrew school which are doing a project about the Shoah.Sincerely Daphne palka

    I live in: bronx , NY

  527. steve weiss
    | Reply

    thanks so much for all your beautiful works—you bring to life so many of the places you visit and it is a pleasure to experience them with you through your pictures–shanna tova

    I live in: yavne, israel

  528. selina shulamit steiner
    | Reply

    God bless your eyes which are open to beauty, interesting sights and sites, and your hands which know on what moment and second to click your picture, your mind for the knowhow what to choose and how to present it and your heart and soul which is felt in your works

    Thank you

    I live in: Haifa

  529. Manasseh Meyer
    | Reply

    Dear Guy

    Be blessed for all the lovely work you have brought to all mankind. You shall be blessed by many folk for all the lovely presentations you have put in your site.

    It causes a person to start loving mother nature and his environment to keep it beautiful and lovely.

    May G-D bless you for your lovely work and devotion.

    Manasseh Meyer

    I live in: Kfar Saba

  530. carmit
    | Reply

    amazing presentations

    I live in: israel

  531. joan melnick
    | Reply

    i just finished the book "Katzner’s Train" by Ann Porter. It spoke about the transports from Slovakia and I really enjoyed your slides show of the sites, thank you, and if you are coming to Canada to photograph look us up…we are mani Melick Photo-video (professionals)

    I live in: toronto canada

  532. Evelyn Feldman
    | Reply

    Thank you for the opportunity to view the Jewish people in the Amazon. Your presentation was amazing.

    I live in: Port St. Lucie, FL USA

  533. Jose MOINE (TOLEDANO)
    | Reply

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you so much because thanks to you I sam for the 1st time the tomb of my grandfather Alberto TOLEDANO in the Jewish Cementery of Iquitos, Peru (thanks to a tip from Jacob Tal Toledano). I dream I can go there some time in the future.

    God bless you.

    Jose Moine (Toledano)

    I live in: Belfort, France

  534. Chotzany
    | Reply

    Thank you for reminding me I leave in a beutiful country, You made me want to call in sick from work , and take the wife and kid on a nature trip.

    Guess the trip will have to wait till weekend…

    (Butif was sick today i would have missed this great Presentation. one of the best "chain" eMails I am happy I opened)

    I live in: Israel

  535. yitzchak freeman
    | Reply

    Guy sorry this is in english,(I dont have Hebrew on my laptop) I just saw the your slides from Slovakia. My mother z’l was from Kosice (how she spelled it in English) She survived in hiding, but most of her Family perished in Auchwitz,among them my late Grandfather who must have davened in those shuls.It was meaningfull for me to see them,and for this I thank you. Kol Habrachot,yitzchak

    I live in: bat ayin gush etzion

  536. Cheri Lasher
    | Reply

    ACHLA ! Amazing, enchanting, breathtaking, the ARAVA is my favorite place on earth.

    I live in: Chicago

  537. Frances Miller
    | Reply

    Rancho Mirage is the dEsert in Southern California near Palm Springs. We are near Joshua Tree National Park and Anza Borrego.

    I am loving your presentations. Thank you.

    I live in: Rancho Mirage, California, USA

  538. Abraham Shpitz
    | Reply

    Congratulations on your presentations !

    I live in: Brazil

  539. Rica
    | Reply

    Shalom Guy,

    What a lovely presentation of Slovakia. I always look for a new places to see the history of our people. Toda raba and God bless you and your great work. LaJudia18@hotmail.com

    I live in: Florida, USA

  540. Shirley
    | Reply

    The majority of my family was killed during the Holocaust. The remnants of my family who immigrated from Germany during World War II, now live in Binyamina, Israel.

    My Israeli cousin sent me a link to your beautiful website. I have been thoroughly enjoying your Powerpoint presentations of Israel’s beauty, as well as, the synagogues in various countries, entitled "Judaism in the Diaspora". Thank you for allowing me to see all this incredible history & beauty through your eyes.

    I live in: Maryland (U.S.A.)

  541. DJAOUI
    | Reply


    I live in: FRANCE

  542. Moshe N. Friedrich, D.T.
    | Reply

    Why not in English too?

    I live in: Haifa

  543. Colin Abrams
    | Reply

    My wife Margaret & I are ex South Africans, now living at home

    I live in: Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel

  544. Norman Kabak
    | Reply

    Well done,, you are to be commended on your presentation and sensitivity of the subject matter.

    Kol HaKavod

    I live in: Wellington New Zealand

  545. Sidney Rosenberg
    | Reply

    I loved your "Haifa presentation" which had a wonderfully genuine and intelligent "feel" about it … reflecting your obvious love for your subject. With many thanks and "well done".

    I live in: Kfar Vradim – Western Galilee

  546. Karin
    | Reply

    I got the pictures from a friend living in Omer. I love the desert and each time I visit Israel I try to visit at least Yam Hamelech. Your pictures are a Matana le Shabat and I going to share them with my mailing list. I aware what thisount of rain means for the water crisis in Israel. Thank you for your work and your effort in sharing it with others!

    Shabat Shalom from a very gray and cold Berlin


    I live in:Berlin-Germany

  547. Karin
    | Reply

    I got the pictures from a friend living in Omer. I love the desert and each time I visit Israel I try to visit at least Yam Hamelech. Your pictures are a Matana le Shabat and I am going to share them with my mailing list. I am aware what this amount of rain means for the water crisis in Israel. Thank you for your work and your effort in sharing it with others!

    Shabat Shalom from a very gray and cold Berlin


    I live in: Berlin/Germany

  548. Karin
    | Reply

    I got the pictures from a friend living in Omer. I love the desert and each time I visit Israel I try to visit at least Yam Hamelech. Your pictures are a Matana le Shabat and I am going to share them with my mailing list. I am aware what this amount of rain means for the water crisis in Israel. Thank you for your work and your effort in sharing it with others!

    Shabat Shalom from a very gray and cold Berlin


    I live in: Berlin/Germany

  549. Herbert Syre'
    | Reply

    Guy, you’re special! Sharing your creativity with

    the rest of the world is one way to bring HOPE and

    TRUST among the earth family.

    I wish you Shalom and many years of celebration.

    Herbert, Justice of the Peace,RSA

    I live in: Cape Town,South Africa

  550. Chaya
    | Reply

    Thank you, Guy, for giving me the chance to see parts of Israel I don’t have the time to see!

    I live in: Bat Yam

  551. Chaya
    | Reply

    Thank you, Guy, for giving me the chance to see parts of Israel I dont have the time to see!

    I live in:Bat Yam

  552. shiva pokharel
    | Reply

    Guy you are really extra ordinary and unique person . congratulation for your innovative efforts which help to those who wants to see the holly birth place of God j christ and natural beauty israil . keep it up in future .

    I live in: kathmandu

  553. shiva pokharel
    | Reply

    Guy you are really extra ordinary and unique person . congratulation for your innovative efforts which help to those who wants to see the holly birth place of God j christ and natural beauty israil . keep it up in future .

    I live in:kathmandu

    | Reply

    Mr Guy .nameste You are a great and very wise person . Thank you very much for making web site in which you have kept the real face of childrens of south east asia as well as me and my family during your long trip of Janakpur Terai place of nepal.in 200ad .please come again to visit new nepal . i hope childreans like me are very happy to see your informative web site site .

    I live in: kapan kathmandu nepal

    | Reply

    Mr Guy .nameste You are a great and very wise person . Thank you very much for making web site in which you have kept the real face of childrens of south east asia as well as me and my family during your long trip of Janakpur Terai place of nepal.in 200ad .please come again to visit new nepal . i hope childreans like me are very happy to see your informative web site site .

    I live in:kapan kathmandu nepal

  556. Shija pokharel . class 7
    | Reply

    Mr Guy , Very glad to see your web site .happy congratulation to you for your efforts .As i see, childreans of south east asia in your site i felt very funny and interesting .still i remember you when you visited janakpur nepal in 2000 A D .i wish you all the best in coming day for another such innovative work . Thanks .

    I live in: kapan kathmandu nepal

  557. Shija pokharel . class 7
    | Reply

    Mr Guy , Very glad to see your web site .happy congratulation to you for your efforts .As i see, childreans of south east asia in your site i felt very funny and interesting .still i remember you when you visited janakpur nepal in 2000 A D .i wish you all the best in coming day for another such innovative work . Thanks .

    I live in:kapan kathmandu nepal

  558. Dipa
    | Reply

    Hey Guy ,Shalom , It is very nice of you to make a pictures of natural beauty of israil and a guide line of nepal which may help to tie a relation between New nepal and Israil and those who visit New nepal . very nice to see your efforts . . come to see new nepal again from your own eye to update a guidebook of nepal and india .Thanks .care of .Shiva _kapan 2006 yahoo.com

    I live in: Nepal

  559. Dipa
    | Reply

    Hey Guy ,Shalom , It is very nice of you to make a pictures of natural beauty of israil and a guide line of nepal which may help to tie a relation between New nepal and Israil and those who visit New nepal . very nice to see your efforts . . come to see new nepal again from your own eye to update a guidebook of nepal and india .Thanks .care of .Shiva _kapan 2006 yahoo.com

    I live in:Nepal

  560. Dipak
    | Reply

    Hey Mr Guy Very nice to see your web site which helped me to know about natural scenario of israil which is similiar to Nepal .thanks

    I live in: nepal

  561. Dipak
    | Reply

    Hey Mr Guy Very nice to see your web site which helped me to know about natural scenario of israil which is similiar to Nepal .thanks

    I live in: nepal

  562. Dipak
    | Reply

    Hey Mr Guy Very nice to see your web site which helped me to know about natural scenario of israil which is similiar to Nepal .thanks

    I live in:nepal

  563. Kedar
    | Reply

    Guy, you are very good man . i felt very happy to see people of janakpur ,nepal in the heading of childrean of far east asia in your site . Thanks for keeping a wonderful family of terai in your website . please come to overview terai people in the changing context of the scenario of nepal.Thanks

    I live in: janakpur

  564. Kedar
    | Reply

    Guy, you are very good man . i felt very happy to see people of janakpur ,nepal in the heading of childrean of far east asia in your site . Thanks for keeping a wonderful family of terai in your website . please come to overview terai people in the changing context of the scenario of nepal.Thanks

    I live in:janakpur

  565. BEN
    | Reply

    úåãä ìê âéà òì ëì äòáåãä äðôìàä ùàúä îù÷éò ìäöéâ ìðå àú ëì äîöâåú åìúú ìðå ìäòáéø àú æîððå äçåôùé áëéó
    áï ñéãðé àåñèøìéä

    I live in:AUSTRALIA

  566. Nissim
    | Reply

    very nice, I love the Negev and those pictures brought tears to my eyes…KOl Hakavod

    I live in:Ohio, USA

  567. Rica
    | Reply

    Dear Guy, Just droping a line to say THANK YOU for such a Marveilleuse presentation of my home town Haifa. Tears of Joy came down as you helped me haveing a lovely memories of home. Belssings to you and keep up the fantastic Job.

    I live in:Florida, USA

  568. Eva Lewitus
    | Reply

    I delighted in your Kibbutz Galliot theazon style Power Point Presentation, not only that the photos are fabulous, but you write in a wonderful way. Thanks!

    I live in:Peru

  569. Raq;uel
    | Reply

    I just need to say Thank you Muchas Gracias your videos photos are jsut to Wonderful, Is so precious thank you for let us see this beauty, Raquel

    I live in:Northern Virginia USA

  570. Michel Domberger
    | Reply

    Hi Guy, my sister Nava Domberger-Lewis just sent me your latest presentation of the Arava where we where just a week ago. I missing the desert. Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing them with us. Best. Michel

    I live in:Monaco

  571. Hercules Paquet
    | Reply

    Amazing website

    I live in:Qatar

  572. lili eylon
    | Reply

    Your photojournalism work is extraordinary!
    Thank you.

    I live in:jerusalem

  573. Claudio
    | Reply

    Hi Guy, congratulations on your beautiful photos and interesting texts. I have just seen the photos of the Budapest synagogues. I have visited a few of them and regret not having seen all the ones you showed. But seeing your snaps has filled the gap somehow! Please go on!

    I live in:Sao Paulo, Brazil

  574. rona kruger
    | Reply

    i love your pictures… mad about photography of this land i love to bits. Keep up the great wotk love and light Rona Kruger

    I live in:hadar

  575. sonel
    | Reply

    what a wonderful site…. good on you for your work in Peru.

    I live in:australia

  576. roni
    | Reply

    ass fucker

    I live in:Us

  577. Ruth
    | Reply

    About Mazeghet BERLIN! I received it from South Africa
    I live in Italy…..Guy extraordinary! Kol Hakavod

    I live in:Italy

  578. Mark Kennet
    | Reply

    Hello Guy –

    I continue to follow your photographic shows with great enjoyment, even though I unfortunately no longer in Israel.

    I did notice one error on the English site. Your button says “On the media” but to be correct it should say “In the media.” “On the media” would imply that you were commenting on the media; “in the media” means what I think you want, which is mentions or use of your materials in the media.

    Very best regards,

    I live in:Silver Spring, Maryland 🙁

  579. Meyer Pollack
    | Reply

    Came across your websites by accident. Your pictures are beautiful! The children pictures go right to the heart. I still viewing!

    I live in:North Hollywood, California

  580. Roy Shacter
    | Reply

    Well done!

    I live in:Palm Desert, CA

  581. Saar Herman
    | Reply

    Nice powerpoint, would be interesting to see how it will develop.

    I live in:Hadera, Hong Kong & Manila

  582. Drucie Peterson
    | Reply

    Excellent coverage of the “Jewish Berlin”. Thank you for keeping the truth alive. We must never forget.

    I live in:Leawood, Kansas USA

  583. Abraham Groswirt
    | Reply

    This is my first time I will send a message after I see all, Toda Rava

    I live in:Tijuana, Mexico

  584. Peter Kubicek
    | Reply

    As one who was an inmate of Sachsenhausen at the age of 14-15 — and who also survived the infamous Sachsenhausen Hunger March in the last 12 days of the War — I was particularly struck by your images of the camp. Its remnants look rather clinically antiseptic now. The images that struck a chord of remembrance: the “Arbeit Macht Frei” inscription within the wrought iron entrance gates; the rolls of barbed wire in front of the electrified perimeter fence; the ranks of 3-tiered bunks, one of which I once occupied.
    These touched a raw nerve within me.

    Your photos are powerful stuff, Guy Shachar.

    I live in:Forest Hills, NY

  585. Eileen Nicole Simon
    | Reply

    I was so moved by your Jewish Journey in Berlin. Thanks so much for these vivid images.

    I live in:Lexington MA, USA

  586. yaakov reshef
    | Reply

    I always enjoy reading and seeing Guys work.
    Would love to have more of it available…
    I once subscribed to SEVIVON,but it did not get to me…
    This issue was sent to me by a friend…
    My e mail address: yaakov@discnyc.com

    I live in:new york- USA

  587. Darlene Oliva-Adler
    | Reply

    I just wanted to say thatnks for the Berlin A jewish History slideshow. I will probably never get to see the places you photographed and I appreciated the opportunity to experience them through your lens and the information that you provided. Many thanks.

    I live in:Los Angeles, CA USA

  588. Devra Bressler
    | Reply

    Thank you so much for the beautiful, vivid images and wonderful narrative of your Jewish Journey in Berlin. I felt as though I experienced the journey with you. The world must never forget what happened there and you remind us in a most inspired way.

    I live in:Ronkonkoma, NY

  589. Carole Lieberman
    | Reply

    I want to say Thank You for all your good works and for sharing them with the rest of the world. You are a true messenger and you and your works are very much needed and appreciated. Be safe, be healthy and have a good life.
    Carole Lieberman, maui84@aol.com

    I live in:Woodland Hills, California,USA

  590. Beverly Rush
    | Reply

    Informative, engaging and enthalling facts and photos.

    I live in:Durham, N.C. USA

  591. Stephanie Comfort
    | Reply

    I have a Jewish Postcard and Photo Collection (really archives at this time) of around 10,000 cards and photos of Jews and Synagogues and anything Jewish from the 1860’s on thru yesterday. http://flickr.com/photos/9679871@N04/ or jewishpostcardcollection.com and then flickr. You might find some of the Synagogues interesting. Stephanie – Richardson, Texas

  592. Ellen Goldberg HouTX
    | Reply

    A friend sent me your very moving presentation “Berlin Jewish Journey.” Your pictures were very powerful, as was the narrative.

    It reached me on several levels:
    As a Jew, it was an emotional journey.
    As a photojournalist, I could appreciate it from an artistic point of view. As you said, “A picture is worth…” Although I don’t have time to look at your other presentations right now, I will do so soon.

    Of special interest is India (I’m working on the Indian Film Festival of Houston which is a 6-day unique event–not just Bollywood. Please see http://www.iffhinc.org.)

    Another is Africa. I just returned from my second trip to Tanzania. Last year I went as associate producer for a video about the International Year of Planet Earth’s African launch.

    The visit in this past March/April was at the invitation of that country’s government. Four of us went to do a feasibility study for a possible live global broadcast of the wildebeest migration. The story of the first can be seen on http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/EllenG and the newest will be there when I complete it–hopefully within the next week.

    I just wanted to send my congratulations for a remarkably sensitive look at Modern Germany.

    Ellen Goldberg

    P.S. I’m President of Sister Cities of Houston, and Leipzig is one of our 17 associations.

  593. David Eastburn
    | Reply

    A friend sent me your PowerPoint presentation of Berlin–A Jewish Journey. It is very powerful and enriching. Thank you for sharing. David

  594. Rocky, USA
    | Reply

    Re: Berlin Jewish Journey The train line connecting central Berlin to Gruenwald was built by Emil Rathenau around the turn of the 20th century. Emil, who was Jewish, was one of Germany’s major industrialists, employing 75,000 people at his company, AEG. His son Walter built a villa on the Koenigsallee in Gruenwald in 1912. It is still standing but unfortunately is not open to the public. Walter was gunned down near his home in 1922, an early victim of anti-Jewish activities in Germany.

  595. New Jersey, USA
    | Reply

    Just a quick comment to tell you how much I enjoyed your Kol Nidre presentation. It finally made its way to New Jersey. 🙂 You did a beautiful job. I love to visit synagogues when I travel, but my photos do not compare to yours. Hope to see more of your wonderful work.
    Thank you so much.

  596. Les Amdur, W.Galilee
    | Reply

    You have a G-d given talent, for inspiring your readers, to automatically, immerse themselves in an almost “3 D”, “realistic”, presence ,
    in your masterful, proffesional presentations.

    Well Done !!! Kol Hakavod !!!

  597. Carmi Plaut, Taos, N
    | Reply

    You have a wonderful website and I thought you might be interested in JudaicaBeautiful.com.

  598. Andy Smiks
    | Reply

    You have very interesting site here , keep doing your job!

  599. haifa
    | Reply

    Very inspiring site! Especially I like the multi facets of your work. Good luck with architecture as well! Let me know if you need some ideas or information for your architectural projects.

  600. Nila--Garland, Texas
    | Reply

    A friend just sent me your presentation of the journey through the Negev from Egypt. One picture was of the road to Eilat. I was on that road in 1985. My, how things must have changed since then. Israel has come a long way since its birth to welcome Jews from around the world.

    I’m sure the hike would be an absolutely wonderful adventure–if one is hearty enough. I used to hike a lot but am too old for that now. But it is good to live vicariously through adventures of others. Thanks for sharing.

  601. Peter Kubicek, USA
    | Reply

    Dear Guy Shachar,

    An Israeli friend of mine forwarded me your Azerbaijan photo essay and so I discovered your fascinating site. I immediately subscribed to your newsletters.

    I once received your “Jewish Berlin” photo diary which impressed me greatly: particularly your photos of Sachsenhausen since this was one of 6 German concentration camps I survived. I forwarded this to all my Jewish friends.


  602. Paulo Rattes -Brasil
    | Reply

    Gostei muito do Site.

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